Parables about the Elder Zosima

Written down by Anna Zubkova
Under the editorship of Vladimir Antonov
and with his commentary

Translated into English
by Anton Teplyy and Vladimir Antonov
Corrector of the English translation
 Keenan Murphy

        This collection contains autobiographical parables of one of the Divine Teachers, also known as Ngomo. These parables tell us about the best that existed in the history of the Russian Christian monasticism.
        Material collected in this book can be considered as one of the manuals of spiritual life for all who seek to become better before the Face of God.


        Parable about Prayer, Repentance, and Miracles Performed by God
        Parable about Life of a Soul on the Palm of God
        Parable about Secret of “Sensible Prayer” and Acquisition of Inner Silence
        Parable about God's Help and How to Help People
        Parable about the Good: Accomplished Good and Undone Good
        Parable about the Temple
        Parable about Humility and Monastic Life
        Parable about Death and Resurrection
        Recommended Literature

Parable about Prayer, Repentance, and 
Miracles Performed by God

“When someone has stumbled and
is trying to get up —
God certainly holds out a helping Hand.
But if this person keeps lying —
God has to wait.
The help comes when the one
who is looking for the salvation
works tirelessly.”


        There lived the elder Zosima in a monastery, and a rumor circulated that miraculous healings happened by his prayers.
        A lot of people came from distant places to ask for his help.
        Monastic brethren were proud that their monastery had such an elder.
        But there were also many of those who envied, thinking: “Why does God not hear our prayers no matter how much we pray? We make so many bows, but all in vain! Yet God somehow accepts the prayers of this elder…”
        Once a young novice decided to find out how Zosima performed wonders and why God listened to him. He thought that since the elder was kind, he might teach him…
        He came to the elder and asked:
        “Why do your prayers perform miracles, but ours don’t? Teach me your secrets! What if you die suddenly, who will glorify our monastery then?!”
        The elder looked kindly at him and said:
        “It’s hard to explain… I would say that I don’t pray at all…
        “It’s just necessary to kindle in the human heart the light similar to that of a candle or of an icon-lamp!
        “This light originates from love.
        “And one can expand this light of the soul up to immensity, like the light of the Sun!
        “And then — the Great Light of the Holy Spirit appears and is ready to help! And I can see everything inside that Living Divine Light, as if there were no walls of my cell and as if there were no towers of the monastery. And inside this Light, every human body can be seen through and every soul can be understood regardless of distance.
        “It happens like this: I just need to start saying the words of the prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit, and It comes! The Light of God begins to flow like a river and embrace everything with Itself!
        “This Light understands the love of the heart but not the words muttered by a person!
        “You ask how miracles occur… When the soul merges with this Light, I stop distinguishing where my love is and where — God’s Love!
        “In the River of Light, there are numerous Arms. It seems that they are mine but at the same time not mine fully…
        “I see those Arms of God That do His Work! Just as the arms of a ploughman or cook do their work so the similar Arms of the Holy Spirit work!
        “It is these Arms That can heal. If the Holy Spirit wants, I can — with these Arms — cleanse filth and diseases from the bodies. But if the Holy Spirit do not want — I can’t move even a finger tip.
        “Inside this Light of God, I can see diseases in the body of a sick person and vices in the soul.
        “However, not every soul can be cleansed, not everyone can be helped…
        “The soul needs to be taught to love first! Otherwise, later it may become a debtor of God for that miracle!”
        … Zosima said this and smiled gently.
        But the young novice, in fright of the elder, fell to his knees and set his head against the floor… Then, crossing himself devoutly, he jumped out of the cell…
        Zosima sighed quietly: it seems that again not that man had come, whom God was talking about… This novice did not want to know about the warmth of the heart or about the spiritual heart love…
        So many years had passed already since Zosima began to look for a worthy disciple…

* * *
        A lot of people with questions came to the elder Zosima.
        He tried to help everyone not only through the healing of the body or through giving advice on how to resolve this or that problem in life, but mostly through correcting the path of the soul before the Face of the Lord.
        One day a rich merchant came to him and asked to heal his little daughter, saying:
        “I’m despaired! You are my last hope, the holy elder! Help me! My child is dying!”
        Zosima answered:
        “It is not I who heals! The Lord helps each soul!
        “How does the Lord help? He helps, among other ways, through people that live on the Earth.
        “Have you heard about Jesus Christ? Through Him — God has helped a lot of people.
        “But through you — has God helped anyone?”
        “I’m a sinner, holy elder, I’ve never even thought about this in that way!… All my thoughts were only about my profits and benefits…”
        “So — think now!
        “And always ponder ahead on what the Lord wants from you!
        “Now go home, your daughter will be well again!
        “And build a free hospital with your money, call good doctors there to work for God!
        “Besides, when your daughter is recovered fully — bring her to me!”
        … Wiping his tears, the merchant began to thank him.
        The elder said to him kindly:
        “Hurry to do in your life that good which you forgot about!
        “And remember this for the future! Otherwise, something worse may happen!
        “God has helped you — and now you should help others!
        “And learn to understand what is good and how it’s possible to do it!
        “Maybe, your words and actions will be a helping Hand of God stretched to others! God does the good and miracles through the kindness of many people!”

* * *       
        Time had passed, and the merchant brought his healed little daughter to the elder.
        The girl came to the cell but forgot how she had been taught to express her gratitude and just said:
        “Was it you who cured me, Grandpa? Thank you! I was very-very sick but now am very healthy!”
        “Good day to you, my child! But it was not I who healed you but God! So you should thank Him always!”
        “Yes, I know! God — He is kind!” — the girl nodded.
        “Yes! And now you can learn to be kind too, like God! Try!
        “Can you hear how your heart is beating in your chest? It is God reminding you that a soul is created for love and kindness!
        “So, learn to be gentle and affable towards everyone! And learn to help everyone!
        “While you are little, your help isn’t big; however, it is still very important! And when you grow up — you will be able to help many people!”
        “I understood this, Grandpa! I felt myself bad-bad for a long time, but now I’m good! And I will try to do good for others too!”
        The girl ran up to the elder Zosima and embraced him.
        … Many years had passed since then, but the girl never forgot that a life on the Earth is given to us by God to cultivate love and give this love to others! And — through this — she was opening and expanding more and more her spiritual heart! And she lived embracing with her love-care everything and everyone.

* * *
        Once, a middle-aged woman came to the cell of the elder Zosima. She was crying and pleading:
        “Give me back the love of my only son! I’ve dedicated all my life to him, giving him all that he wanted! But he grew up, and now he doesn’t even want to remember me!… I am left alone! I feel so bitter because of his ingratitude with which he paid me for all I had done for him! I can’t hold resentment, I can’t stop being sad!…”
        “Don’t grieve! Think better: did you love your son as God wants us to love people?
        “If children receive only material help from their parents and are not taught to care for others, then these children forget quickly the good done for them and grow ungrateful!
        “Love does not consist only in providing pleasure for someone!
        “Pleasure is not always useful for a soul! And the useful is not always pleasant!
        “To do what is good is not the same as to give a person immediately what he or she wants!
        “It is wrong to indulge others in their desires! It means to harm the soul, not to do what is good!
        “Everyone should not only give love to others but also awake in them the desire to give love and to do good, as well as to restrain from angry words and to say only good ones!
        “You brought up your son badly! You spoiled him, pandering to his whims! You turned him away from love by your everyday reproaches and boring admonitions! You diverted him away from the good commandments!
        “Now I tell you these sad words — which are like bitter medicine — to help you to understand your mistakes and try to rectify them!”
        The woman sobbed even more:
        “Will God forgive me for my sins?!”
        “Forgiveness comes when we have realized what was sinful in us, and have changed ourselves and corrected the consequences of our wrong actions!
        “Only having changed ourselves first, can we make better something around us!
        “There is some hope for you now! Soon your son will come to you and ask for your advice and help. He fell in love with a widow; she is much older than he is. She has a child from her previous husband. Through this love — God wants to help your son learn to care not about himself only but about others!
        “It’s not simple for one to change oneself… It’s not simple to transform small love into the great all-embracing love!
        “The happiness of the child who is growing with that woman has to turn into the happiness for all of you!”
        … He said this — and the woman went home with a slight hope and with the thoughts about the most important…

* * *
        Thus Zosima talked with people.
        But it also happened sometimes that he did not let people with nefarious intentions even enter his cell…
        And through this, those people also began to ponder over the fact that if the holy elder did not admit them, then God rejects them too because of their unjust life…
        And due to this, they became afraid of their uncleanness and changed. And if such people came again looking — this time sincerely — for the advice of the elder about how to atone their sins, Zosima received them kindly and gave them some simple and clear advice.
        “Yet to fulfill this advice, people had to transform themselves, that is, to stop living idly and start working diligently by the soul and by the body. To work by the soul meant to cultivate love in oneself and eliminate anger, hatred, jealousy, and sadness. To work by the body meant to try to make the lives of others at least a little bit better.
        Even for those who were in despair, Zosima found supporting words that brought them to their senses:
        “There is no sin or vice which a person can’t get rid of!
        “Even if someone has suffered the spiritual fall — God is always ready to help those who have stumbled and want to get up!
        “A disease or other problem in life is given to us for the healing of the soul and of the body! Diseases and troubles are needed to enlighten those who do not understand the Plan of God for them. These things make possible the purification of souls!
        “We are weak and infirm in this world while we haven’t known the Love of God. This Love is the greatest Power in the universe and can be near us and in us always!
        “How good it would be if everyone lived with the Love of Christ in his or her spiritual heart!…”

* * *
        Once, a man came to the elder Zosima. He was neither young nor old. He had a strong body and was a strong soul. But he got lost in the midst of the affairs that did not bring satisfaction to the soul. Since his youth, he had dreamed about something great and high… He boldly lived fighting for the truth… But he did not always understand what was the truth and what was not… And many of his plans failed… And many times he became aware that he was not doing what he should be doing… That is why it was hard for him to live now, and he did not know how to live further and what for…
        The man told his story to the elder Zosima. It was similar to the stories of many others whom the elder usually listened to… Nevertheless, there was a great difference: this man cared not about himself but tried to live for others, helping others!
        “And thus almost the whole life has passed… I wished to do so many things, dreamed so much about something beautiful… But in reality it turned out that all were in vain: hasn’t changed anything, hasn’t really helped anyone… And now how to live — I don’t know… Teach me if you can…” — with these words the traveler finished his story.
        “All that wasn’t in vain! Through what you did in your life you became wiser and stronger! In this way God led you to Himself!
        “So, are you ready now to devote your whole life to the Lord alone?”
        … At this point Zosima began telling this man about the purpose of human life, about the Great Divine Love…
        The man stayed with the elder. He learned from Zosima the silence of the heart, in which the fire of love kindles. He also learned to merge with the Holy Spirit and to do everything being in conscious Unity with God and as Service for Him…

* * *
        Could the elder Zosima help many people? Only God knows… But the Power was in his words. And the advice that he gave stayed in the memory for a long time. People directed their sights of souls to God and their actions to help other people. And through this, God could participate in their lives.

Parable about Life of a Soul
on the Palm of God
        An elder called Zosima lived in a monastery. People believed that he was so pure by the soul that God endowed him with the gift of performing miracles. It was said that the miraculous healings happened by his word, people’s lives changed, and the souls became transformed! And a lot of people came to the elder with their requests…
* * *
        Once a man entered this small town where the monastery was by the usual for Russia broken and dusty road.
        He was not young but yet not old. He had a strong body and a stature much higher than the average one. The remarkable strength can be seen in his body, while in the soul restlessness and brokenness were evident to attentive eyes.
        … A beggar was sitting near the road on a pile of dirty rags.
        The man asked him where he could rent a room or find an inn and gave him a ruble — a lot of money in those days.
        The beggar saw the ruble and changed suddenly, as if something woke up in him for a moment because of surprise! He said:
        “It will be better if you go to Aksinya! In the inn — there are drunken fights, racket… But in her house those who come to the elder Zosima often stay.
        “Aksinya is a kind woman! When I’m not drunk, I ask her for soup — and she gives it to me! Her soup is delicious, though always lean…”
        “Wait, what elder are you talking about? I didn’t come for any elder… Uh, it doesn’t really matter! It’s all the same! So, how to get to your Aksinya?”
        “Go there! And tell her that Nicodemus sent you!”
        Having said this, the beggar switched his thoughts to the ruble and vodka with a lot of snacks…

* * *
        The traveler came to the house of Aksinya and knocked.
        A slightly plump woman of middle-age opened to him. Her face was lit up from within with calm kindness. She looked at the traveler tenderly, as if she met an old friend whom she was waiting.
        “May I rent a room, Aksinya? I was told that you rent rooms…”
        “Why not? I’m always glad for a good person!”
        “Why do you think, Aksinya, that I’m a good person? What if I am the opposite,” — the traveler said with certain sarcasm and deep bitterness.
        “Well, if you are not good, then at least tell me how to call you?” — the hostess said without any fear and in a playful tone.
        “Call me Nicholas.”
        The traveler by the name Nicholas examined the cozy, clean and simply furnished room. He paid the rent for a week ahead, having given twice of that amount of money which the landlady asked.
        He was about to go to his room, but Aksinya said gingerly:
        “Don’t go to the elder Zosima on the first day! Think alone first, in calm, what and how! Walk along the river… To be able to hear his words — it’s necessary to calm down a little bit.”
        “What an elder do you have here? I didn’t come to him… I don’t go to the monasteries! God doesn’t help people! Look, what’s going around!…”
        At this point, the conversation was interrupted: someone knocked at the door — and Aksinya went to open it.

* * *
        A pale and tired woman with a child in her arms came in. The child was not small and apparently seriously ill. It was a thin boy of about five or six years of age. The child was conscious but not completely, as if the ability to live in this body had left him partly.
        The woman was holding him in her arms with her last effort.
        “Why don’t you do anything?” — Aksinya asked Nicholas. — “Hold the child!”
        When Nicholas took the boy in his arms, he groaned slightly and opened his eyes. Nicholas very carefully and cautiously carried the boy to the room — next to that one in which he stayed.
        … Falling asleep, Nicholas heard a soft chest voice of Aksinya and muffled sobbing of another woman.
        “Zosima will help!” — Aksinya was trying to calm her down. — “Don’t doubt! Go to him the next morning! And don’t worry that you have no money! He doesn’t take any money! The one who wants to may donate then to the hospital or to the monastery. And here you can live without paying! I’ve got a generous guest! So everything will fit together nicely!”

* * *
        The next morning Nicholas was woken by hushed voices and by the sound of preparations behind the wall.
        “What a ‘quiet’ place Nicodemus recommended to me,” — he thought.
        Yet for some reason he felt no irritation. On the contrary, there was warmth in the heart, as in his early childhood, when falling asleep, he heard his mother’s voice…
        It was still dark outside.
        Aksinya knocked at his door:
        “You’ll have to excuse me, Nicholas! The sick boy can’t go by himself, and his mother is completely out of her strengths! Could you accompany them to the elder?”
        Nicholas agreed without hesitation. Now this distraction from his oppressive thoughts seemed unexpected and joyful to him. The elder Zosima from yesterday increasingly piqued his curiosity.
        Nicholas always wanted to help people. He saw the meaning of his whole life in this. And from this he got his greatest disappointment, failing in his attempts to transform human lives…

* * *
        It was cold outside.
        Nicholas was carrying the child in his arms. The woman, being out of her breath because of a brisk pace, was telling him how it had happened that her son Ilya hurt his leg.
        “Maybe it’s better to go to the hospital?” — Nicholas asked. — “A doctor would examine him and cure! Here, it is said, there is a good hospital.”
        “We already went to different doctors, spent so much money, but no one could help… They say that an amputation is necessary and that it may be too late already… The elder, on the other hand, does miracles from God! He will certainly heal him!”
        Then the woman began to recount in detail their lives and troubles…
        Nicholas was carrying carefully the child and was hardly listening… Holding a fragile body, in which a speck of life still was, he was thinking: “This is a child who most likely is going to die soon… or to be lame for the rest of his life… So maybe to die for him would be even better… Why is it so? For what reason? Why is it impossible to change anything in this terrible and senseless human life?… I am, for example, an adult and a strong man, who does not see any sense in continuing this existence. I will live… but this boy will die… If only I could give my life and my strength to him so that he could live and be in good health?… But it’s impossible… So, where are You, ‘Almighty God’? Why do You allow this?!…”
        They came to the monastery, but the monks did not want to let them in:
        “Come tomorrow! Then the elder receives people. Today you can’t come in!”
        In spite of this, Nicholas confidently passed by as if they did not try to stop him. He decided that today, after the “audience with the holy elder”, he would persuade the mother to carry the child to the hospital. Maybe, it was not too late…

* * *
        Nicholas quickly walked through the garden to the monastic cell of the elder. The path to the cell was clearly visible since it was trodden by numerous people who came to the elder.
        Nicholas with the child firmly entered the cell. The boy’s mother followed after him.
        Zosima was not old and decrepit, as Nicholas imagined.
        On the contrary, it was a slender man, full of particular peace. Only his hair and beard were completely white. And his eyes…
        Nicholas only for a moment met his eyes and realized that he had never seen similar eyes before… They radiated warm, soft, and quiet light, special confidence, strength, peace, and kindness.
        The mother of the boy knelt down and began to tell the story about the misfortune of her son. She was wailing and asking to heal the boy…
        The elder interrupted her:
        “Is your name Alexandra? Go to the chapel and pray, dear!”
        She fell silent being surprised, then bowed and went out meekly.
        Nicholas put the boy on a broad bench near the wall, bowed slightly without crossing himself, and wanted to go out too…
        “Help me, Nicholas!” — the elder said. — “Do you really want Ilya to be well?”
        “Yes,” — Nicholas said without having time to wonder about what was happening. He recalled what he was thinking on the way to the monastery while carrying the boy…
        “Come here.”
        The elder put the hands of Nicholas on the body of the boy: one — on his chest, another — on his injured leg. Zosima did not take his own hands away…
        … But what happened after that, Nicholas could not comprehend for a long time…
        He and everything around became submerged into the Light. It was pure white-golden Light, like that of the morning sun… Nicholas saw the gently moving streams of this Light… Then it looked like he had blacked out, as if he fell asleep…

* * *
        When Nicholas came to himself, he was sitting in the corner of the cell, and the elder Zosima was talking with the boy’s mother. The boy was not there…
        “You’re a widow, you say…” — the elder asked her.
        “Yes, widow, for five years already… I will pray for you for the rest of my life! And I will teach Ilya to pray for you, our savior!…”
        “What are you saying!… It’s not I but God Who healed him!”
        “I’ll pray to God!… I will thank God!”
        “This is good — to give thanks!…
        “I’m going to teach you how you can express your gratitude. Here’s a little note from me. Go to the hospital to a doctor Fyodor and tell him that I asked you to work three or four months as a nurse with severe patients. He will pay you for this and that will help you and Ilya get home.”
        “Thank you!…”
        “Wait, I haven’t finished! Listen to me! There is one man in the hospital by the name Gregory. He underwent a difficult operation. The life for his body was saved, but he lost his leg. He doesn’t want to be lame. He’s already tried to kill himself… If you manage to heal this soul, this will be your first expression of gratitude to God! And your son will help you. Sometimes it happens that when patients see children, hope for a happy life arises in them again…
        “Now go!…
        “Ilya, come here!” — Zosima called.
        … What Nicholas saw next amazed him more than everything else: the healed boy ran — not even walked — into the cell from the monastery garden. He changed in an incredible way!
        The child could not only walk now! But he seemed to be awakened from the death! There was real life in him — pure and sunny! This rarely can be seen even among healthy people… Joy and light shone from within his body! That radiant pure Light, which was seen by Nicholas during the healing, was now in the body of the boy!
        “Mummy, mummy, I’m completely healthy now! And my leg doesn’t hurt anymore! I can even run!”
        They both bowed before the elder with gratitude and went…

* * *
        The elder Zosima stood on the threshold of the cell and followed them with his eyes.
        He looked into their future with affection and the Power of God. He saw… the man by the name Gregory quietly lying on his bed… with the unseeing eyes full of pain and despair… Zosima saw Alexandra, the mother of Ilya, whispering gentle words to Gregory. Zosima saw how little Ilya ran into the hospital ward, looking for his mother and how love kindled in the child’s heart when his main dream came true:
        “Mummy, mummy! You’ve found our daddy!” — Ilya said with joy and embraced Gregory with these words… And Gregory tearfully embraced the boy… Love and hope returned to these souls and healed them…
        Zosima saw three happy people leaving the hospital. They were cured despite the fact that the man walked on crutches. And people looked at them out of the windows, wishing them happiness…
        “Let it be, oh Lord! According to Your Will — let it be!… The hearts full of love will fulfill Your Will!…” — Zosima whispered.

* * *
        Nicholas and the elder remained in the cell alone.
        “How often do you perform such wonders?” — Nicholas, being amazed, asked without yet comprehending completely all that had happened.
        “This happens quite rarely… Yet it is not only I, but you too, in Mergence with God’s Will, healed Ilya! It’s obvious that for you too it was necessary, so that the greatness of God’s Power can be revealed before you!
        “Go now! Think about what you want to ask and why you don’t see the meaning of your life… Think — and then come back! Come tomorrow if you want! We will talk! You will be able to do what you dreamed to do for people! You will do this not by yourself only, but merging with God’s Power!
        “Go now, I’m tired…” — Zosima said quietly…

* * *
        Returning from the elder, Nicholas was thinking about what had happened.
        Everything had changed in an incredible way… Death, about which he thought as the exit from the blind alley of futility and hopelessness of life, suddenly stepped back — and the expanse, unknown before, opened for him…
        Now he should understand and formulate for himself how to live further…
        Disbelief in the existence of God, which became firm during his difficult life, was apparently easily crushed by the elder…
        But the faith did not fill the empty place yet, since Nicholas was searching not for the faith but for the clarity of understanding and for the fullness of knowledge.
        All the questions that plagued him during his entire spiritual search rose in him once again.
        These were the questions that he had rejected as those “which have no answers”. All these questions were rejected together with the belief in the existence of God.
        … In those times he decided to look by himself — without God — for the means of helping people to become happy… And a lot of his initiatives failed completely… And many of his friends betrayed him… And many of his bright ideas were perverted by his former fellows and used for evil ends…
        All his previous activity helped a lot of people but brought sorrow and destruction to many people as well…
        … The thoughts of Nicolas returned to the miracle of healing and to that Light which he himself saw. “Well, could it mean that there is real Power capable of changing human destinies? Could it be God?”
        He realized that he should visit the elder tomorrow once again.

* * *
        Nicholas was walking to the monastery being yet oppressed by doubts and thoughts. “What do I hope for? What changed yesterday when I saw the Shining Light united with the elder who healed the boy?… What do I want? To confess? To unburden my heart? Or do I want to obtain the ‘faith in Christ’? Or to ask my questions? Or, perhaps, to find the meaning of my life? However, maybe this elder really knows the Truth for the sake of which it makes sense to live on the Earth…”
        Approaching the monastery, Nicholas overheard the talk between a mother and her daughter who were returning from the elder.
        The mother was a plump big woman, evidently of a high income.
        She angrily shouted:
        “How is he not ashamed to entice people with his healings and miracles! He can’t do anything! Only deception is all around!”
        “Don’t worry, mom!” — the daughter tried to calm her down. The girl was holding her partly paralyzed left arm by her right healthy arm.
        “I told you, mom, that all this was nonsense, fairy tales for fools and children! But you didn’t believe me!”
        In spite of the efforts of her daughter, the mother couldn’t calm down and continued speaking with excitement:
        “How could he invent this?! Every morning you should knead dough using your almost paralyzed arm, then bake bread, and give it to the poor! And thus during three years! What kind of holy man is he!? Deceiver of deceivers! And I’m amazed that there are fools coming to him for advice!”
        “Well, calm down, mom, calm down!…” — the daughter kept trying to soothe her.
        … Nicholas heard their voices fading into the distance…
        Then he sat for a long time among people who waited to be received by the elder, examining the faces of those who were coming out…
        … When no one was left, he entered the cell.
        Zosima was waiting for him and, seeing Nicholas entering, rejoiced as if not an accidental traveler, who hadn’t believed in the existence of God for half of his life, came to him, but the closest friend or son.

* * *
        “Have come?”
        “I have…”
        “And what for?”
        “I myself do not know… Maybe I only need to talk… Maybe to understand how you live and for what purpose… For what do you perform your miracles?”
        “It’s not I who works wonders! It is God Who manages all affairs, although man himself participates as well…”
        “You didn’t succeed in the healing of the girl with the paralyzed arm, did you?”
        “No, I didn’t,” — Zosima said with a touch of sadness.
        Nicholas clarified:
        “But if she had agreed to knead dough for three years, would she be healed?”
        “It depends on how she would carry it out… If her spiritual heart became awakened when she was giving bread to hungry children, if she began to think about how to relieve human grief while kneading dough, and not about how to heal her paralyzed arm, in this case she would be healed! Hands that do good and give the good always become healthy!”
        Nicholas said:
        “But I — with my own hands and with my own thoughts — worked for my whole life trying to do good… And I have come to the point when I began to think that it would be better for me to leave this life completely rather than to live with the understanding of my own incapability to change something in it for the better…
        “Do you think, Zosima, that the boy healed by you will be happy or, as everyone else, become older and finish his earthly journey in sins and vices? Why have you healed him then?”
        “I’ve healed him for the future, for love! And how it will be in the future — depends on many things…
        “You, for example, when you were little, loved God very much… And as a young man, you also had a pure heart!”
        “Yes, I loved and believed… I believed but lost faith!… It was a long time ago. I believed fervently and prayed fervently… But God did not answered my prayers!…
        “And later I saw human afflictions and suffering and decided that good, all-powerful and merciful God could not create this hell on the Earth for His children! I decided that I, by myself, would do for people all that I could do within my power… Yet it didn’t turn out as I planned…”
        “I can see many things that happened to you… You lived as if you were in a boat moving against the current of a river. You worked hard, hoping to reach the ocean, but you reached only a small source from which the river starts… However, you haven’t worked in vain: your strength has developed! And your abilities have developed too, you’ve learned a lot! And now you can direct your boat in the right direction. And all the power of the river will help you. Do you want this?”
        “I do not know yet what I want… This is why I came to you probably… Can you heal me of the disbelief and meaningless emptiness in the soul?”
        “But God has already healed you of your disbelief! If not, you wouldn’t have come back here!
        “I can teach you, if you want, how to obtain the love for God and silence in your spiritual heart.”
        “First explain to me why I came back to you!”
        “To learn to do the work for God with God and with understanding instead of doing it as your mind wants to!”
        “Tell me another thing: you yourself believe in what?”
        “I believe in One Almighty God-the-Father, the Creator of everything visible and invisible… And although I say to you the usual words of prayer, I always feel God in my heart, and His presence is as evident for me as your presence here. However, I cannot teach all people to do this…”
        “Do you really see Him?”
        “I see and hear Him…”
        “But I don’t see Him and don’t believe you… almost…”
        “Do you see now Aksinya’s house, in which you rented a room?”
        “No, I don’t…”
        “So, this means that this house doesn’t exist, right?…”
        “No, it exists…”
        “So, you don’t see it now, but you say that it exists…
        “In the same way, you don’t see God and don’t feel His Love, although He is.
        “When Jesus lived among people like an ordinary man — He could always converse with the Heavenly Father, and He could always feel the Great Power coming from the Father. And He did a lot to show people how man can live on the Earth! And the most important was that He commanded us to become like Him: ‘Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect’ . But how many people are trying to live so?
        “While the soul lives in despair, disbelief, and anger — God cannot help this person in the best way, since that person denies God’s Almighty Love, Help, and loving Care!
        “What can we change in this world? Where to start?
        “First of all, we should straighten and correct ourselves: cleanse the souls, fill the spiritual hearts with love, and live not by our will but by God’s Will. Only then will we be able to really help our neighbors!
        “Everyone can do this because God gives us this possibility.
        “And in this case the soul ascends, illumined by the heart love, to another life, although it keeps its body. The body remains the same, the hands are the same; but the soul is transformed and lives now as if in another world, in paradise! It lives being full of love and having the advice of God about everything! Everything seems to be the same around — but the life of such a person is completely different now!
        “You wanted, through irrepressible speeches and disputes, to pour out to me during confession all your hot thoughts and heavy doubts, yes? You thought that it would make you feel better, right?
        “But there is no peace in you since you have not cognized the silence of the heart!
        “Moreover, God already knew and knows all that you wanted to tell me during confession!
        “He knows your past and your every thought!
        “Everyone is always on the Palm of God, so to speak! But only when we know about this, we can get great benefit from it! Because if we know that God sees all our thoughts, even the most secret, and all our actions, and even the motives of these actions, then we will be more attentive to how we live!…
        “It is said that we must have fear of God in order not to sin. But I don’t think so. When we choose the good instead of the evil because of fear — God sees that fear in us instead of love… And such decisions do not improve our destinies…
        “The purity of the soul before God should be kept not because the punishment may follow the sinful actions and thoughts! Our intentions are not a secret for God, and we cannot hide them from His sight!
        “But if God sees my imperfections — then I should be ashamed of that. And it’s indecent for the soul to live in shame and disgrace…
        “If someone knows that he or she thought badly or did something wrong, and it was shameful before God — then this person will try not to sin next time!
        “It is important to prevent falsehood from appearing in us! I speak about that internal falsehood that makes us blind to our flaws… When such a falsehood appears in us, we begin to ignore the quiet voice of our consciences and try to justify ourselves, blaming others around us!
        “On the contrary, when we truly start longing to correct ourselves as souls — it is great joy for God! God then begins working together with us, helping us to improve ourselves.
        “While we do not know that God observes us constantly — we are likely to consider the evil and the good offered to us as equal… The souls that live in this way — live very slowly as if they were asleep or blind and deaf… And there is not much benefit from such a life…”
        “Tell me, elder, you yourself — what do you live for? Do you live without seeing the evil, lie, and crimes? How can you forgive all these awful things that happen around?”
        “I can’t answer all your questions…
        “You have a lot of reproaches to people who call themselves servants of God. You want to tell me about what happens in different religions, about all those things that shake their own principles — and this is what constitutes your disbelief, as you call it. But Jesus said the same about the faith of the scribes and Pharisees. What you think is nothing new! The ‘scribes and Pharisees’ haven’t disappeared!…
        “Look, the wall in this cell was built badly; even a crack has appeared in it. Maybe, a mason was unskillful. Maybe, it’s because of time, which inevitably destroys people’s material constructions… How many churches of different faiths were built by people! It’s impossible to count! Many of them were destroyed long ago; many others will be built instead…
        “Yet only that temple is indestructible which is raised by us in our spiritual hearts! Here there is a real throne of the Lord before which we can lay our sacrifices: vices that we have renounced in order not to sin anymore! Those vices are pride, envy, anger, condemnation, sloth, sadness, fear, self-love and lack of attention to others, as well as many other vices…
        “The spiritual heart is that altar on which the lamp of undying love is lighted!
        “And only that soul which has been cleansed of wickedness can work for God! This is our first perfect gift for Him!
        “In this case, the rules of life, established by people’s laws, will be replaced by the Laws of God, which we can and should comprehend only with our heart love.
        “God’s Love has no boundaries, and there is no power that can hinder the Will of God!
        “We, as souls, can open ourselves to God! We can open our hearts so that they become filled with His Love! Only having cognized this, we will be able to see and receive evidence that we always have been before the Loving Eyes of God!
        “Only then the human pride finally surrenders!
        “For the present, the thoughts about the just and unjust are raging in your mind… Instead of this, peace and love should be in your spiritual heart, but you can obtain them only when you open your cleansed spiritual heart for Christ — and Christ enters in!
        “… Yes, everyone can change his or her condemning mind with the help of all-forgiving Love of God!
        “Something similar to your situation once happened to me.
        “I was looking for justice among people. I expected them to quickly begin putting into practice the Teachings of God as soon as they hear the Words from Him… And when they behaved contrary to what I dreamt about — despair overwhelmed me sometimes. I did not understand what I should do when I saw hypocrisy even among the ‘pastors’ and when I could not manage to change anything in human souls… And I prayed fervently and passionately asking God to help me and tell me how to live.
        “Then for the first time I saw Jesus and heard from Him only two words: HUMILITY and GRATITUDE!
        “I comprehended the Lord Jesus and humbled my pride… And afterwards I learned to accept everything that comes into my life with humility and gratitude.
        “A lot changed when I learned this, since the great love grows in the soul when it understands what the true humility means and practices it. In this case, the gratitude for all that Heavenly Father sends fills the spiritual heart. This gratitude extends to all beings through whom this or that thing comes from God!
        “It is when my rebellious mind became replaced forever by the great silence of my spiritual heart!
        “Since then I live so, understanding what I can understand and doing what I can do for the glory of the Lord!
        “And when I am ready, God will reveal to me what I don’t know now and teach me how to do that for which I don’t have enough strength yet…
        “I live — being free — among the rules that restrain the freedom and try — to the extent of my strength and understanding and being always in harmony with the Will of God — to manifest His Almighty Love…
        “This is what I can teach you if you stay with me.
        “This can be done not during one conversation, but during a monastic life in the constant interaction with God.
        “And what I can’t teach you — the Lord will teach…
        “What is not in my power to change and is not covered by my understanding — I will not speak about… And when I have the understanding and knowledge from God about what to say and how to act — the power will be granted to me for the transforming acts…
        “To live in concord with the Will of God brings the great happiness to the soul!
        “Humbleness purifies the soul from selfness and pride, and after that the understanding and forgiveness come.
        “The Infinite Source of Love then opens in the vast spiritual heart!
        “The one who has found this Source in the depths of oneself-soul — in the depths of the spiritual heart connected with God — cannot be saddened by the external anymore! This person has obtained the great happiness because the Heavens were opened for him or her on earth! And God is always with and inside this person!
        “This is the monastic Path.
        “This is how I live and serve to the Lord. This is how I try to help people. If some soul kindles with love, it is similar to lighting a candle for the glory of God! And after this those souls will shine, illuminating everything around! And other souls will be able to receive from them the sparks of love!”

* * *
        Nicholas was surprised to realize that as the elder was speaking, he didn’t hear only words. Particular understanding was entering him, and he got the main answers to all his questions that he wanted to ask!
        Completely new and unusual warmth filled his chest inside… He realized that his life might begin “again”, as if everything that had happened was nothing but a rough draft… But now he stands as the naked soul before God, not only before the wise elder, but before the Great and Almighty Divine Power, Which controls everything and, as it turned out, has been always near…
        At that moment he knew for sure that the heart love, felt by him, is the true lamp that illuminates the entire Path up to the full cognition of the Truth!
        It was like a prodigal son returning to his loving father.
        Now he was totally ready to start the new life — the life on the Palm of God, the life for God!

Parable about Secret of “Sensible Prayer” and 
Acquisition of Inner Silence
        “There is the highest prayer of the perfects ones — …when
        by unsaid aspirations of the soul, they approach God,
        Who sees their open hearts."
        From the “Ascetic Teachings”

        of Nilus of Sinai

        “There is the state that consists in the contemplation of one God and in ardent love for Him; in this state, the mind, embraced and imbued with this love, converses with God in the most direct way."
        From the “Observation of Spiritual Battle”

        by John Cassian
        There was a small monastery where an elder by the name Zosima lived. Amazing miracles accompanied his service to God! Many people looked for his advice, help and healing from diseases of bodies and souls.
        But only a few wanted to find the knowledge that would help them to comprehend the Love of Christ. And even among these few, no one tried to learn what the elder could do for people and for God. This happened because they considered the feat of his monastic life impossible for them.
        Yet one man by the name Nicholas stayed with the elder to learn from him the communication with God and the cognition of Him.

* * *
        Once Nicholas was walking to the elder Zosima and met a deacon who repeated a prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!”
        Having approached Nicholas, the man looked at the new novice with disapproval and condemnation:
        “Again you go to the elder, forgive me, the Lord! Do you want to change from atheist to saint immediately?”
        “Yes, I’m going to Zosima, he called,” — Nicholas replied calmly.
        He already got used to the fact that some inhabitants of the monastery didn’t like him because of the attention paid to him by Zosima. And although the prior of the monastery authorized the elder Zosima to prepare Nicholas for monkhood, the new novice caused the disapproval of many, the cause of which was envy.

* * *
        Nicholas entered the cell of the elder. Zosima, as usual, knew in advance about his arrival. Nicholas always marveled at how inexplicably the elder knew who was going to visit him, what a person thought about him, and what problems concerned him or her.
        The elder was sitting in deep calm and gently looked at the newcomer. In the cell, there was a special state that Nicholas called the presence of God. It seemed that even the air was filled with transparent and tender silence!
        They both were silent for a while, sitting close to each other.
        Then Nicholas asked:
        “Why is it so hard for monks to work with the ‘Jesus Prayer’? I have heard and read once about this prayer, also called ‘sensible prayer’. Tell me about it. Why does it not help at the present time? Or is it true that its secret was lost over the centuries?”
        “Why are you saying that it doesn’t help? It does help!”
        “Just now I’ve met a man who repeated that prayer…”
        “… but the Love of Christ was not emanating from him, right?”
        “So, you think that this prayer doesn’t help someone who doesn’t know its secret, right?”
        “But there isn’t any secret!
        “It was never hidden from people that the most important thing to begin the spiritual self-transformation with is to master heart love! Jesus clearly taught about this, saying that God is LOVE!
        “There were great workers on this Path who strived to put into practice the commandments of Jesus.
        “They were looking for a method that would allow them to dive into the silence of the spiritual heart. This silence is called hesychia in Greek.* This is the silence in which the Voice of God is clearly heard.
        “Another thing that they were looking for was the purity of the spiritual heart, which allowed seeing with the eyes of the soul the Light of the Holy Spirit.
        “They chose the monastic way of life in which everything is only for God and nothing — for oneself!
        “They were looking for the spiritual methods that would help them to avoid sinful thoughts, guard the crystal purity of the soul, and live in continuous contact with the Lord.
        “And many of them recited the following prayer: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!’ They repeated these words continuously in every moment of their lives so the minds did not deviate from the Lord and the souls could constantly bow before the Greatness and Wisdom of God. And it happened that due to this work of the soul, the mind dived into the spiritual heart.
        “They also called Jesus to come into their hearts. They not only believed in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but always tried to feel Him! They tried to learn to talk with Jesus — just as Paul the Apostle did. Thus they wanted to receive the possibility to ask the advice right from Jesus!
        “Yet to do this, one should develop the heart love and direct it to the Lord.
        “Many wanted to achieve this, but not all succeeded…
        “They did not succeed, because to achieve this, it is not enough to have only understanding and desire…
        “‘Create pure heart in me, oh God…’ — many people pray. But who is going to cleanse our hearts but us! Who will make us behave in accordance with the precepts of God? We by ourselves must work on the purification and transformation of ourselves as souls!
        “And this could be the most important thing in life!
        “Have you heard that God created man in His image and likeness**? It means God made wonderful man! But why is it not true in the real life? Maybe, people themselves are to blame for making the souls dirty?
        “Where does, under numerous clothes-covers, the Divine Origin dwell in every one of us?
        “How can the image of God be manifested in a human body?
        “Where is this image hidden?
        “In what are we similar to God?
        “What was cognized by hesychasts, who comprehended Glory, Power and Love of Christ and even spoke about the divinization of the flesh of their bodies?
        “Such a possibility really arises when a human soul becomes connected with the Soul of God and receives the power over the flesh. Then the infirmities of the body and the soul start obeying the will of that person — will that is always in harmony with God’s Will!
        “How does one learn all this?
        “First, one needs to cleanse the soul of the wickedness.
        “A soul can be purified by repentance, humility, and forgiveness.
        “It is impossible to eliminate all the vices of the soul at once. Repentance is great work dedicated to the correction of one’s own imperfections. During this work, all wrong thoughts, emotions, and actions should be rectified.
        “Monks gradually learn to experience themselves before God. They strive not to sin every day of their lives.
        “And then the purified soul stands still in front of God — as if being between the past and the future — and says: ‘All that is good in me is for You, O Lord! And all that is wrong in me — let it be crushed! For the sake of You, O Lord, I will not allow myself to sin anymore!’
        “God needs from us such work! If we do it, our past is ‘washed away’!
        “And when only the purity of life is left behind — the future, too, becomes clean!
        “In this amazing moment of being before God — the great silence reveals itself. It is tender, pure, and endless!
        “But one can feel it only inside the expanded spiritual heart!
        “Now you can start mastering all this.
        “Here is a simple initial exercise for you:
        “Can you hear the bells tolling? It is as if they were calling people to remember about God…
        “This sound fills the space for miles! It is expanding and expanding… And far away — there the sound of bells is not present — the silence continues expanding beyond the sound…
        “Now, imagine that you are also a bell, hollow inside and huge. This bell begins to swing… There is no sound but only the silent call to Omnipresent God! And silence then seems to be ringing!…
        “Listen to this silence! In it — you can feel God!”
        … Tangible silence filled not only the space around their bodies but also the whole cell… It also expanded in the vastness above the small town situated on the bank of a wide river… It was expanding and embracing all those who aspired with love for Christ! It also embraced all those who did not know this love…
        Gently, like the air, which all beings breathe, the silence was filling everything around, and soon it was inside all things…
        “This is an amazing miracle!… All my thoughts have stopped, and only silence has remained!” — Nicholas said being astonished.
        “Yes, you’ve just felt the silence of the heart. This is the first step.
        “After this, the silence can be filled with love for God.
        “Look at the candle. Its flame is warm, gentle, and bright. The tongue of the flame is rising up. And if there is no movement of the air around — this flame seems to be motionless.
        “Let the similar flame of love for God appear in your chest — and let it grow, filling all the space around!
        “And then illuminate with it all the corners of your body, trying to expel all that is dark, heavy, and gloomy. Let all darkness ‘burn out’!
        “Submerge your mind in this light as well.
        “Let your arms, too, be filled with this light! Let this light flow through your arms — as it happened to the Apostles when they were placing their hands to heal the diseases of people!
        “Let your entire body, including head and legs, be filled with this light. Just as a transparent vessel can be filled with clear water — so let your body be filled with this light!
        “It needs to be repeated many times! You should work thus on the transformation of both the soul and body! And then — after some time — the body can become a vessel for the Holy Spirit. It will become the source of God’s Light! Just as the flame of a candle emits light — so you can emit and carry such fire of love — regular and soft — in and around your body!
        “And then… In fact, a human body can become the carrier of the Image of God — of the internal Christ!
        “In this way, you should learn to gain peace of the soul and kindle the love for God in yourself!
        “Now, when you feel warmth and light inside your expanded and refined spiritual heart, call the Lord Jesus into it! And thus you will be able to cognize that God is Living God!”

* * *
        At this point, the deacon whom Nicholas met on his way to Zosima came to the cell.
        He bowed to the elder.
        “Hello, Rodion!” — Zosima greeted him.
        “I have sinned, condemning my neighbor. Help me! Tell me how to atone this sin!” — Rodion said, looking away from Nicholas.
        “Here is your neighbor! Ask for forgiveness — and don’t think badly in the future. That’s all!”
        Yet it turned out to be not that easy. A few minutes passed in deep silence until Rodion, addressing Nicholas, said:
        “Forgive me!…”
        And heaviness left the souls of both of them, though Nicholas did not hold a grudge against that man…
        “Can you feel now the Joy of God?” — the elder asked, smiling.
        Nicholas nodded silently.
        And the tears flowed from eyes of Rodion…
        “How should I pray from now on? How should I live? What should I do?” — he whispered.
        Zosima paused for a moment and then began to tell the story:
        “One day, on the Nativity Fast, a woman with a son came to me. I don’t remember what she was asking. But what her son told me — I will remember for the rest of my life. He said:
        ‘This Nativity Fast means that the birthday of Jesus is soon! I want to make Him a present. I see that people make presents to each other on Christmas, but nobody gives any presents to Jesus… Tell me what would be better to give Him! Ask Him about this… What if He has a wish, but I will not get to know which one?’
        ‘Have you yourself thought what present Jesus would like to have from you?’
        ‘I’ve thought… I have been thinking for a long time what would be pleasant for Him, but since He lives in the Heavens, He has everything. Everything that He wishes — He receives immediately! That is why, I have this difficulty and asked my question…’
        “Then I told to him:
        ‘Jesus teaches people to love God — the Father and Creator of everything that exists! And Jesus also teaches us to love our neighbors. He said, when He was preaching, that when one person does good to another person, it is as if this good is done to Jesus Himself. It is that gift which the Lord cannot give to Himself! Only people, doing good one to another, present such gifts to God!
        ‘And people can do this not only once a year but every day! And it will be great joy for God!’
        “You, Rodion, can also try to live like this!
        “And when you really love your neighbor, every kind word that you say can become miraculous!”
        Rodion walked out of the cell, being happy. Perhaps, for the first time in his life, he felt what the word love means…
        … Nicholas asked:
        “Why don’t you teach him what you are teaching me now?”
        “Many times I’ve tried to teach this to everyone…” — the elder Zosima said. — “But while the soul is like an untidy house, full of unnecessary stuff, impure thoughts and unjust actions, while a person does not see this, does not understand, and does not want to transform oneself for God — it is impossible to help him or her! The understanding comes very slowly to such people…
        “It requires a lot of patience to straighten out their lives even slightly, to help them even a little bit…
        “Now Rodion has taken his small step towards the light and love… But, perhaps, tomorrow he will forget completely about this…
        “Thus it turns out that it is not so easy to learn to love God…
        “Yet I see that you will succeed…”

* * *
        Nicholas recalled again the amazing miracle of inner silence and warmth in the heart, experienced by him.
        He tried to call Jesus and felt that there was not enough room in his chest for the growing state of love!…
        Nicholas tried hard not to lose that wonderful state of the presence of God…
        And then he saw Jesus!
        It was like everything else stopped existing at this moment…
        The cell was filled with soft, transparent and slightly golden Light. In this radiance — Living Jesus stood! He was Living! It was not an image from some icon!
        Jesus looked gently into the very depth of the soul! His slightly curly hair, falling over His shoulders, was gently swaying by the subtle waves of light, as if during the breeze.
        Jesus approached Nicholas and touched him with His Hand. The body of Jesus was not material. It consisted of Light and could pass through everything material. But His Touch was quite tangible!
        Jesus said:
        “You wanted to see Me! You wanted to know that I am real! Now I am before you: I am Who has cognized God-the-Father, I am Who has resurrected in the Light and Truth! Now I can be here and talk with you!
        “You can learn to do My Work on the Earth! You can help people to understand the Laws of the Divine Power, Which controls the lives of all beings!
        “You can help people to live according to My commandments of love instead of just following some established rules and rituals! To learn this, you will have to work hard! I give you my blessing for this!”
        … When Jesus finished speaking, His Face began to grow more and more, covering the whole space with transparent Light… Just as silence had filled before the whole world — so now the presence of Jesus filled everything around! His huge soft Arms were holding the Earth’s surface, home for so many people… Among these people, there were those who loved God and those who had forgotten about His existence… And then Jesus became even bigger and bigger… The space was filled with His words:
        “They all are My children! Love them, as I love!”
        “… I’ve seen and heard Jesus…” — Nicholas whispered.
        “Now live according to His words!” — Zosima said confirming that everything was real.

*  You can find more details about the tradition of Hesychasm in [6-7]; see also [8].
**  Gen 1:26-27; 9:6. 

Parable about God's Help
and How to Help People
        There lived an elder Zosima in the monastery in a small provincial town. He performed many miraculous healings and helped many people to understand their problems and improve their lives before the Face of God.
        He had a disciple — a novice Nicholas. Nicholas wanted to learn those things that the elder could do; that is, to understand always the Will of God, to help people to heal their diseases, and to find the right words that would help each soul become aware of its problems.

* * *
        When the elder was receiving visitors, Nicholas was often with him. He tried to see and understand how God allowed Zosima to touch so miraculously such depths of the human souls that the words of the elder became curative for these people. He also tried to understand how, by laying on of hands, he removed pain, restored eyesight, and made it so that many other diseases went away completely by the Will of God; and all it was manifested through the elder…
        Once Nicholas asked:
        “Why can’t I heal like you, like Jesus or His Apostles? I would like to help people and heal as you do, but I can’t…”
        Zosima paused, then said:
        “It doesn’t come right away.
        “You already were granted to see Jesus with the vision of the soul. You can already hear God’s Voice sometimes. But you are still grumbling…”
        “Yes, I’ve learned to hear God — it was easy! But I want to heal like you…”
        “Now it is pride speaking in you, saying that you cannot work wonders. You should learn to recognize God’s Providence in everything!
        “Sometimes it’s possible to fulfill the Wish of God only with the help of your own hands or by saying simple words! The miracle of kindness can be done by ordinary work if the love of the heart gives strength to it. As long as our hands are working for God — they are connected with the Divine Hands!”
        “I understand all this and I’m learning. Still I can’t do as you do. You just put your hands — and a person becomes healthy…”
        “Don’t be sad! Continue working and learning in order to be able to find appropriate words in every conversation to relieve emotional pain, give hope, and explain the meaning of life! Through words and the warmth of the heart — the great healing of the soul can be accomplished even without visible miracles! Through this — sometimes it is possible to help someone even more than through miraculous healings!”
        “Nevertheless, will you teach me to heal?”
        “Sure! Let’s start right now.
        “There is the Great Silence! The Divine Wisdom and Power are acquired inside it. Staying in the love of your heart, you have already learned to enter this Silence! Here, inside it, it becomes clear to the soul that God always lives near us. God embraces us from all sides! God is everywhere: to the left and to the right, forward and backward, up and down — no matter how far we go!
        “In each blade of grass, in every tree, in any bird, in each flower or fur-bearing animal, the life is maintained by the Power of God! Love of God dwells near each soul. It is only necessary to watch with attention!
        “Everything and everyone are fed and washed by His Bliss and Caress!
        “His life-giving Light permeates everything! Just as the air, which all living beings breathe, is inside and outside of every creature — both big ones and small ones — and each creature lives because it breathes — so God’s Light, seen by the spiritual heart, is both inside and outside of everything and everyone!
        “Everything and everyone are filled with life that comes from Him: from His Love and Omnipotence!
        “If you learn to love God with all your heart and with all the soul — then you will learn to feel the breath of God’s Light in every being and be able to see and understand the Will of God in His every manifestation.
        “And through this — a great Peace will come, Peace inside Which the Love of God reigns undividedly!
        “Inside and outside of your spiritual heart, as well as inside and outside of this cell — God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Loving! Imagine — as strongly as you can — the Greatness and Infinity of God, Who created everything. And then open from inside your spiritual heart and come out! Go out — as if out of some a cramped cell — into the Light of God, Which is everywhere!
        “This Light is the Holy Spirit, the Great Doer of God’s Will! In this Light there are Arms of God full of Love! They appear in this Light when there is some work for Them. As if from nowhere, these Gentle Arms appear and can do everything. They, in particular, can heal, directing the flow of the life-giving Power of God — into the bodies.
        “If you — with love and forgetting about yourself — do the good, God works through you! And soon that which seemed to be impossible becomes realizable! The Infinite Power of God stands behind all the actions of the one who does the good in harmony with God! Wonders begin when this person understands that he or she doesn’t work alone but together with God and that God works through him or her!”
        … Nicholas kept trying to learn how to enter the Union with the Holy Spirit, how to perceive the Divine Arms, how to see God’s Power entering the human bodies for healing…

* * *
        Once a monk of their monastery came to the cell of the elder Zosima…
        He was pale and held his belly with both hands…
        “Elder, heal me, help me! I suffer from a stomach ache, can’t bear it anymore…” — he moaned piteously.
        “Go to the hospital, to the doctor Fyodor, he will help you…” — Zosima said, almost without looking at the monk.
        “Why do you heal strangers, but do not want to help me?” — the monk said, being offended.
        “Because you, a monk, gave vows to God, but do not keep them! You ate meat and drank wine! So you got this pain deservedly!” — Zosima said with a soft but stern voice.
        “But I have confessed this sin! Our prior granted me absolution!”
        “I told you: go to the hospital! They will treat you! Besides, ask God to help you to see what you haven’t repented and what is wrong in you. May God help you to understand what is the purity of a monastic life and what are sins committed because of one’s own desires…”
        The monk groaned even louder because of pain, hoping to provoke pity and compassion in the elder. And his pain really increased.
        Getting his breath back with difficulty, he sat down on a bench.
        Nicholas, who observed all that happened, asked the elder:
        “May I try to help him? I really want to learn to heal!”
        “Yes! You may help him! Accompany him to the hospital!”
        “I’m not talking about this!…”
        “Do as you wish…” — the elder said and went out of his cell into the monastery garden, which started right behind the door.

* * *
        Nicholas tried to do everything as Zosima explained to him. He saw the Light of the Holy Spirit and numerous Divine Arms, Which were in that Light. But those Arms did not obey him, as if that Light did not want to heal…
        Nicholas attributed all these difficulties to his lack of skill and, with even greater power, tried to alleviate the pain of the monk.
        Finally, he managed to do it, as it seemed.
        The monk’s surprise knew no bounds:
        “How do you like that! You can also heal! Pain has disappeared as if by magic! The elder couldn’t heal, but you — could! He is apparently ageing! Look at that! Nicholas has learned to do wonders!”
        “Thank God for your healing…” — Nicholas said quietly, being exhausted.
        The monk devoutly crossed himself and went out…
        “I did it!” — with these words, Nicholas greeted Zosima who entered the cell.
        “I’m not sure…” — Zosima said quietly.
        “Do you think this disease will come back to him?”
        “We will see… Everyone is responsible before God for his or her sins! The only way to help in such cases is to explain how one can change oneself by cleansing the soul.
        “We should allow people to receive God’s lessons…”

* * *
        The next morning Nicholas woke up because of pain. Everything that was happening yesterday to the sick monk started happening to him.
        His first impulse was to go to the elder and ask for advice and help.
        But because of this thought or because of his attempts to move his body, full of suffering, the pain only increased.
        Then Nicholas asked God about this situation. The understanding came that the yesterday’s healing was not for the good of the patient: the healing of the body, obtained so easily, caused harm to the soul. That soul did not pass the lessons of the purity of a monastic life, which God wanted to teach it. That monk did not understand the evil that was in him and that could be corrected.
        Nicholas began to apologize for his mistake and also started thinking about how to talk with that monk to help him understand.
        The pain began to recede. The Ocean of the Light of the Holy Spirit embraced him tenderly from all sides! The body, which almost stopped feeling pain, looked tiny and insignificant inside this Ocean! Nicholas tried to cleanse his body and fill it with that Light, but didn’t have enough strength for this.
        At this time Zosima came:
        “Hold on a bit longer! It will pass right now!”
        The elder sat down and patted Nicholas on the head like a mother that comforts a little naughty boy who did not listen to her advice.
        “Yes, it has passed already!” — Nicholas smiled, feeling how the last bits of pain left his body. He was smiling blissfully and, in fact, felt himself like a mischievous boy: the elder had known in advance that the healing should not be done, but he wanted to do it so much! He wanted to feel himself as a healer!…
        As if answering to his thoughts, the elder said:
        “Not everything that we would like to do is allowed to us. Sometimes God teaches people through pain. It happens when they can’t understand in a different way. And it is wrong to allay such pain until God allows this!”
        “But why have you healed me just now?”
        “It was not I but God! When you understood everything — God helped you!
        “I also had endured a lot of pain until I realized that I should obey God in all cases.
        “People can thank God even for the pain: for the understanding that it brings!
        “Before helping someone through healing, it would be correct to understand what it is good and what it is harmful for this soul!
        “Nevertheless, it’s always better to try to help rather than to do nothing, being afraid that ‘something may happen’. Without providing help, you will never learn to help wisely!
        “Now you should master the Great Tranquility of God! If you learn this, you will start making fewer mistakes! You will not hurry with your untimely help against the Will of God!
        “God will be able to manifest His Will through you only when your will is merged with His Will — and only His Will exists!”

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