Chapter Six:
Leaving to Return
Leaving to Return
Odin stopped his narration for some time.
I waited for the continuation of the story for several months.
On that day we meditated amidst beautiful expanses of meadows that extended for many kilometers to the left and to the right. In our wooded lands, such places are rare.
On the gently sloped hills, angelica plants flowered whose tender fragrance saturated the air heated by the sunlight. Soon fireweed will also bloom and then there will be even more beauty around us!
Odin came!
He had never come in this way before.
The Light began to rise from the Depths, and suddenly all the fireweed flowers opened simultaneously on the non-material plane! This happened not only near my body, but also at a great distance. Everywhere, the blossoming sea of meadows became covered in resplendent pink foam! It is impossible to transmit this beauty with words!
At the same time, Odin filled all this expanse above the surface of the Earth with the Tenderness that arises and pours out from the Divine Depths, similar to a universal ocean!
I even got a little confused by this Beauty manifested so Divinely and grandiosely! Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes!
Odin maintained this beautiful painting, so intensely filled with His Love, for a long time!
Then He continued His narration.
* * *
Olav and Annika walked, holding hands, amidst the pink sea of fireweed in bloom.“Travel with me right now, Annika! I love you and you love me! It is too long to wait for the consent of your father, and during this year, in which he waits to receive the ransom, much can change!”
Olav knew in this moment that a great obstacle lied ahead. He felt the danger, but he did know whom this danger was threatening, him or Annika. He did not have any idea how it could be prevented, but he hoped that the difficulties would only come to his path. He did not want to frighten his loved one.
Meanwhile, Annika said:
“My love for you will remain unchanged, Olav! I don’t want to risk your life! Your ship is fast, but the drekkars of my father have more rowers. And if you take me against his will, they will begin to pursue us. And if they reach us, a cruel death awaits you, and I await an even more terrible fate, which is the life without you! I ask that you fulfill what my father wants and bring the heavy ransom that he asked you for, and then I will be with you always! I will wait for you, no matter what happens! Only death can stop this!”
“Alright, let it be as you wish! I will return for you and bring as much gold and jewels as your father asked me for. Only death can stop me!”
“My love, I cannot travel with you right now, but I can become your wife without waiting an entire year for this! I love you! May all the Gods be witnesses of our love!
“For if something happens with you or with me in this year, we would not forgive ourselves for not using this time when we were together!”
* * *
That which happens in the bridal chamber between a man and a woman, called husband and wife, is sacred, and this sacred union should be hidden from the eyes of others.And that which opens up to those who truly love each other during the union of souls and bodies is impossible to transmit with the help of words.
Olav and Annika understood the great happiness of this union. All the earth was their conjugal bed and the sky covered them with itself as if with a blanket!
The Gods rejoiced for these people in love, for this love was preparation for the Great Love that unites a soul with the Creator of the entire universe!
* * *
The week before Olav’s departure passed by like a happy dream.And when the ship departed, having hoisted the white sail, Olav stood at the stern holding the steering wheel. He did not look back. The meeting with his beloved was waiting for him! After a year, we would return here and Annika would be his forever!
She, on the other hand, stood on the edge of the cliff and whispered: “Great Gods of all the lands and seas, protect my loved one no matter where he goes on his journey! May he return! I will wait for you, my dear!”
Chapter Seven:
Year of Separation
Year of Separation
Blossoming apple-trees in the garden, planted by good hands. The beauty of their white and pink foliage this spring seems especially beautiful!
And Odin also admires beauty! His gentle Light-Love embraces space, permeates trunks and crowns, caresses every flower.
He says:
“God is like the Great Gardener, nurturing souls!
“The way of every soul is long — even before birth in the human body.
“Incarnate people can learn to love their younger brothers and sisters in plant and animal bodies.
“And then — every human soul should grow, blossom! And it is obligatory — to return to its Gardener good results!
“… It may seem that life is insignificant — in comparison with the immensity of the universe. In the immensity and eternity of the universe, it is just a small spark…
“But — human life can become very significant!
“If the soul has become Love, similar in quality to the Ocean of Divine Consciousness, then this Great Ocean replenishes Itself with such souls!
“Water drop acquires involvement in the power of the ocean, merging with the integrity of the entire ocean. And the ocean becomes more by… a whole drop…
“But the Ocean of the Universal Divine Consciousness expects and accepts the infusion into It of Those Souls Who have advanced to the Perfection — because His Infinite Vastness consists precisely of such ‘Drops’ replenishing It.
“People can help each other and other embodied beings in this Evolutionary Process!
“One who lovingly assists others in spiritual growth — that one finds special assistance of the Creator in his or her personal development.”
* * *
Before going on the way, Olav was thinking about who would be best to stay here, next to Annika, — for her safety. “But who can be left? Of course, any of the team would carry out this assignment, but, perhaps, only Vagni could agree to this with joy…”When Olav told him about this, Vagni sighed happily:
“You, as always, are more than wise, Olav! I myself did not dare to ask you about this! After many years of life in foreign lands, I so did not want to leave these places again, just after I returned!
“I am ready to give my life for your beloved and I am ready to protect her from dangers if they suddenly happen.
“I have no home and family, and I will treat her like my daughter!
“But how will you manage without a pilot?”
“I remember all the pitfalls and currents that you told me. You do not doubt that I’m a good student!” — Olav said with a smile to him.
… So Vagni remained.
Jarl Ingvar allowed him to live in a small house on the shore, somewhat away from the settlement. Here sometimes the workers stayed to sleep, when their drakkars were repaired. Vagni was tempted also in this ability — and could help them both with advice and work.
A small river carried its streams and clean sand into the waters of the fjord in this place.
The house was old, but Vagni brought it in order.
Annika became a frequent guest at Vagni. She so wanted to talk about her beloved and asked Vagni about everything that he could tell.
”Tell me, is it true that Olav will be able to collect such a rich ransom?”
“I think, yes. He said that his foster father owned many lands, houses, and merchant vessels. He told me about the eastern luxury of his Arabic possessions in those distant countries where he happened to be. I think it will not be difficult for him to collect gold and jewelry.”
“Olav said that you knew him as a boy and that you saved his life twice.
“Tell me about him — at least something else! I’m so interested!”
“Yes, he was not the same as everyone else — even from childhood. He rushed to defend those who, in his opinion, were unjustly offended… And he was not afraid of anything!”
… Vagni told Annika a lot about what he remembered.
Once he told how Olav saved him:
“You asked, how I saved Olav’s life… But Olav, too, saved me! Saved — not from death, but from what is worse than death: from the slow, senseless fading of everything in my life…
“I already thought that my destiny is nearing completion and that everything of me is now in my past. There was only one dream: to die in native lands or at sea, but not in a foreign land, where I looked with disgust at everything that surrounded me.
“And then, Olav found me — and he changed all this! Next to him — my life again made sense! I became needed — and as though youth and vigor had returned! Even eyesight had improved!
“He is not a healer, but for some reason even people’s illnesses leave, if one were to be next to him! Here, for example, Roon, the skald-boy, — he was so weak! But after a few months’ journey together with Olav — he became as you saw him!
“And this happens to people, because Olav teaches them a different attitude to life, gives them hope, a goal! For everyone — he finds special words that are necessary specifically for that person. These words awaken strength and joy, encourage one to change oneself in order to become better!
“For example, he told me that my vision was diminished not due to old age, but because I saw only darkness and dirt around me, also because I looked only at the shortcomings of those people who were in my field of vision! And I was not ready to love those people, I did not seek to help them, but only yearned for my own past and condemned, hated everything and everyone around me…
“I do not know for sure whether the truth is what he says, but usually everything goes exactly as he speaks! My back does not hurt me anymore, and my eyes see almost as well as in my youth!
“And even now, without him, I understand that I need him and you — and this brings joy from life!
“A person’s life must necessarily make sense!
“Olav spoke on this words that I do not fully understand… He said that he lives in accordance with the Will and Power, Which are called by him God — One All-the-Father of all the worlds in the Creation.
“Olav is not a sorcerer, not a shaman, but he… speaks with God! And God reveals to him what he asks.
“I saw different priests — both from self-referring Christians, and from those who worship Odin, Mithra, or other Forces or spirits… They all only do rituals and cry out for the mercy of their God(s)…
“But Olav — he can talk with God… as with a Friend! It’s as we talk now between ourselves!”
“Yes… I heard him talking with God.
“Olav — he’s special! He is so beautiful, strong, pure, and clear! And in him, there is no lie, falsity. I had never seen such people before! Everyone shows off at least a little before others — either by power, or by mind, or by appearance, or by wealth… And — they hide what they do not want shown to others.”
“Yes, you are right! But Olav is sometimes difficult to understand… And even more difficult — to accompany, fully following his advice…”
“But even the unknown, about which he speaks, is so inviting, beautiful! And so I happily try to live the way he explained to me!”
“Sometimes, it seems to me that, what he believes as right for people’s lives, — it is not realizable in reality… But he… lives just that way — and has success!
“I do not know if it’s possible to learn to observe the principles about which he speaks in life. But I believe that people’s lives, in fact, would be better if all these rules were followed.
“Olav told me that he had a teacher, who was called a Sufi. This Arabic word means pure. And that teacher spoke about the laws of pure and righteous life for people. I’ll try to tell you what I have remembered:
‘A person must observe the purity of the body, food, clothing, and home.
‘Because external purity contributes to the purity of the internal.
‘A person must observe the purity of vision.
‘This means — to protect the eyes of the soul. And for this, you need not look at what causes anger, envy, and the desire to steal someone’s else.
‘But the contemplation of the beautiful — it gives the purification of the soul!
‘A person must observe the purity of hearing.
‘It means — to protect your hearing from foul-mouthed and mud-filled hate speech.
‘It’s a blessing to listen to beautiful music or gentle sounds of nature, listen to melodious singing and wise speeches.
‘A person must keep the hands clean.
‘This applies not only to washing them, but any deed, to which we apply our hands, must be kind, useful, and honest.
‘A person must keep clean thoughts.
‘That is, it is necessary to remove bad and gloomy thoughts, not wish evil to others and not self-pity. Heavy thoughts, devoid of purity, — destroy happiness.
‘But bright and kind thoughts bring success to the future of man.
‘One must keep one’s speech clean.
‘Because spoken words carry within themselves the strength and purpose of the soul. And do not waste it!
‘Words must be pronounced only when they can reach the goal in the soul of the hearer.
‘And also the purity of speech is acquired by the ability to remain silent. This ability helps make every word weighty, necessary, and timely.
‘It’s good to hear and understand the thoughts of the interlocutor. But even better — to understand the thoughts of God! And you can master this only by training your own mind to be silent.’
‘And most importantly, to which all the rules of purity serve, — one must observe the purity of the soul!
‘Because only a pure soul is able to walk the Path of the spiritual heart and approach the Purity of the Most High!
‘Only the purity of the spiritual heart allows us to display true love!
‘To give love and not demand love from others — this is the way of happiness!’
“Olav spoke a lot about the path of the spiritual heart, which brings man closer to the Divine and which can make a person as the Divine Souls, sometimes called Gods. Indeed, according to Olav, His Great One God consists of the Unity of Many Divine Souls.”
“Yes… Olav knows so much! And he opens to people their great opportunity and happiness — to love!”
… In such conversations Annika and Vagni often spent time, and Annika rejoiced in everything that she learned about her beloved.
* * *
Jarl Ingvar steadily advanced his desire — to become a konung. And he had achieved his goal.To consolidate his new position, he decided to relocate the entire community to another location.
The property, the families — everything was immersed in the drakkars. Only Annika refused to go with all:
“Olav should return here! And I’ll wait for him here, as I promised!”
“He’ll be able to find you if he can and wants to return! But he might change his mind. How many pretty women has he met this year? We do not know this… And leaving with me, you will be the most desired bride for any yarl! You yourself can choose among them!”
“Do you still not understand, father? I love Olav!”
“Well, love!… Then let only his man Vagni remain here. He will tell Olav where to find us!”
“No! I, too, stay here!”
… Ingvar did not expect such obstinacy from his daughter. Enraged, he threatened to leave her alone, without the former guard. He hoped until the last moment that she would come to her senses. But Annika was firm in her decision.
Only Vagni stayed with Annika in a deserted settlement.
* * *
Annika liked to climb the high cliff and look from there to the distance — in the direction from which the sun shines in the daytime and from where her beloved returns.She thought that when she looks at the sea and hears the sounds of waves, then she gets closer to him. As if her love can reach out and embrace him!
… Winter passed, spring came.
Apple trees blossomed. Before, fruit trees were not planted in these lands. Three seedlings, which were brought here by Olav on the vessel, were planted by him and Annika together. Young trees had survived the cold winter! And Annika, admiring the first of their several gentle flowers, felt that closer and closer is her beloved!
Once her emotion of love was so strong that she thought that the cliff, on which her body was standing, seemed to grow in the space of Light. As if it was a sort of ledge from the denser layers of Light, located above the great expanse of the most delicate white-gold Radiance. And even deeper was a whole sea of tender and affectionate Fire!
She felt that she could — by the soul that had become, as it were, winged from love, — slip into that Light and soar like a seagull. And maybe — fly to where the vessel transports Olav! And there — to be hugging the beloved!
In that Light, she suddenly had seen the Face and Eyes and felt the Embrace of gentle and affectionate Great Hands… “It’s evident that great God of my beloved Olav is helping me!” — Annika decided.
She could not hear the words of God, but had the feeling that in the Light the most gentle and beautiful words about love sounded! She dissolved into blissful happiness!…
… Annika ran down the cliff:
“Vagni! I have seen God of Olav!
“Olav is already close! Soon he will be here!”
Chapter Eight:
Death and Immortality
Death and Immortality
More than three years have passed since Ódin started telling this saga to me. Sometimes I wrote a lot from Him at once about the life of heroes, sometimes — only small episodes which supplemented what I had already heard.
And now — early spring. The first sunny days already caressed with their warmth.
But the weather suddenly changed dramatically: the cold wind blew again, bringing rain and snow.
In such bad weather, meditations usually get worse and there is no point in leaving home without special need.
But I had such need: I was called to leave the house by Odin. And, covered in a raincoat, I overcame the bad weather.
Suddenly, Odin Himself approached my body — and everything changed! The cold and icy streams of rain almost disappeared from my perception, I immersed myself in the Caress given by Him.
He appeared in all His Power — as the Chief Divine Curator of the development of souls in all the North-European lands:
“Yes, I also once lived in flesh — in the harsh and volatile conditions of these places…
“And I love this part of the Earth!
“I’m used to bad weather, including, — to gusts of wind, which hit the face with streams of rain or thorny ice! I’m also accustomed to the leaden heaviness of clouds over the unruly masses of waves!
“But now — I freely manifest Myself through all this and even through the thickness of granite rocks — by the Divine Fire!
“And I’m not afraid of earthly storms!
“I saw many hurricanes and tempests when I lived here, incarnating more than once! I saw terrible storms and terrible for mortals streaks of lightning striking the sea, and I heard rolls of thunder that shook the space…
“What causes fear in many people — teaches strengths for fearless persons of strong nature!
“And yet — it teaches also to appreciate the beautiful: gentle and subtle!
“Including, the tender sun, and the quiet smooth surface of the calm sea, reflecting the blue of the sky, will be then invaluable treasures!
“Clean streams of brooks with beautiful water are more expensive than diamonds — for those returning from distant sea trips! Such water is the most delicious of terrestrial drinks — for those who have cognized the thirst!
“And green meadows with blossoming flowers are more expensive than emeralds and rubies for those who have visited the edge of death in sea storms and no longer hoped to see land!
“Strong hands of friends, love of gentle wives — all this becomes meaningful a hundredfold, when life is not a standing swamp, but a heroic path to the goal!
“Courage, honesty, purity, tenderness, and strength of the soul lead along the Path of cognizing Power, Love, and Wisdom of God!
“And sometimes even evil people who inevitably are met on the Path to the Goal also help to pass through the necessary tests and gain understanding and stability in Unity with the Divine Power!”
… Odin showed me a camp of people resembling robbers. Their leader talked with a man obsequiously bowed before him…
* * *
The leader said:“The vessel laden with gold and other jewels? A rich ransom for the right to marry the daughter of the konung? It would be a noble loot! But are you sure that this is not gossip?”
“Kund, who told about this, himself participated in the tournament at Ingvar and heard how merchant-foreigner Olav asked Ingvar to give him Ingvar’s daughter in marriage and promised to bring a whole vessel of gold!”
“Are you sure that our people saw the approach of this same vessel?”
“I think I was not mistaken! Kund is confident that he has recognized both the silhouette and the sail. He was close and heard foreign speech.
“They stopped in a cove nearby. A storm is coming, which, most likely, will be strong and long-lasting. They will wait. There are only twenty of them. And a better time to attack cannot be found!”
… The leader was Bolly. He changed over time not for the better. His envy toward the successes of others and the anger that arose in his childhood, as well as his desire to sweep away his failures on the weak, his pleasure in humiliating people — all these worst qualities have increased in him and acquired devilish power.
He gathered around himself many men outcast from Viking communities. The main principles of their life were “power makes right” and the absence of any morality. Bolly did not hesitate to attack the houses and families of other Vikings during the long marches of their husband and fathers. He could do business via meanness, betrayal, deception — and then admire his own evil cunning. He boasted that Loki — “‘god’ of all cunning” — bestows him luck.
Bolly continued to question:
“Tell me, who is this Olav? Where is he from?”
“One person among those who arrived with him, named Vagni, said that this Olav was from these places. But I think that this is not true. They sailed from far-away southern countries, where our vessels have not yet reached.”
… Bolly has heard another name he knew. “Coincidence? Or is it, in fact, — Vagni-helmsman? Could this be? Is this merchant really the same Olav whom I hated, with whom I once sat at the same table in my mother’s house? The same one — of whom I was so envious, when he, over me, was taken on a voyage, although he was the younger? That same Olav — news of the death of which made me so elated?… Well, let’s see now!”
Bolly was used to not disclosing his thoughts to others. He said aloud:
“It’s necessary that no one thinks that namely we have captured foreigners! konung Ingvar can consider these riches — already his own! We do not need his vengeance!
“We will attack this night: we will go down by boats on the river, which flows in the depths of this bay. It does not take a lot of time. And the dangers from there — they do not wait for a better time for us.
“We will then take their vessel to the open sea so that the people, who will find the wreckage, presume and tell everyone that when trying to hide from the storm in this bay the merchant Olav’s vessel crashed against the rocks and sank.
“We need to act quickly before the bad weather is out! The storm will be strong!”
“They are very skilled fighters… Though we are three times as many, each of them is dangerous!”
“It does not matter: we must not let them have time to use weapons! I know how to defeat this stranger!
“Send Orm and Skeggy to reconnoiter! And — to remain quiet: so even a branch does not crackle nor a pebble roll!
“The rest — quickly prepare boats and weapons for battle!”
… Bolly acted according to the plan. His scouts reported that Olav himself, the scald-boy and two other foreigners remained on the vessel in the bay. The rest are sheltered from the weather and sleep in a cave on the shore. The entrance is guarded by only two.
* * *
The attack went according to Bolly’s plan. Robbers have managed to capture without much effort the two sailors guarding the entrance and all comrades of Olav sleeping in the cave.The noise of wind and waves, increasing every hour, drowned out sounds from the movements of the infiltrators.
On several boats, Bolly’s men made for the vessel and boarded. Olav and his two companions snatched up their swords, Roon in his clear high voice tried to alert about the attack those who were in the cave. He did not know that all, who were there, are already tied up.
The battle that took place on the vessel was more difficult than Bolly had anticipated. Olav and two of his friends fought back the attackers. All three have already received wounds, but Bolly’s people could not cope with them.
Behind their backs, Roon stood on the bow of the vessel and sang about the scoundrels, attacking under cover of night, about cowards who strive to strike in the back, about shame and the Heavenly retribution, which awaits those who overlook the laws of honor and valor, about brave heroes who always win!…
The rain increased. The wind grew stronger.
It was time to implement the second part of the plan: to bring the vessel into the open sea, otherwise the storm would make this impossible.
Bolly already recognized Olav. Now he decided to act himself, being sure of the success of his insidious intention.
He quietly rose from the outside to the bow of the vessel along the anchor cable and seized Roon, bringing a knife to his neck.
“Stop, Olav, and order your people to surrender! Otherwise, I’ll cut the throat of this ‘songbird’!
“Come on! If you stop resisting, I’ll save your people’s lives — both those who are here and those on the shore! They there are already tied up. If not, you will be guilty of their doom!”
“No, Olav! No! I’m not afraid of death!” — shouted Roon. But Bolly plugged his mouth with the folds of his cloak.
… Olav appreciated the situation:
“All right, we’ll surrender! Remember: you promised not to hurt my people, Bolly!
Lower your weapon!” — he said already in Arabic to his friends, and they reluctantly obeyed.
… Olav and his friends were tied up.
All the cargo from the vessel and captives were hastily overloaded on the boats. Only Olav remained on the vessel.
“Faster!” — Bolly commanded his people.
… Then he went to Olav:
“I also have recognized you, Olav! Let’s see which one of us will now be happier and more lucky!
“I will save your people’s lives, but not because I have promised you this. To keep promises is the rule of naive fools! But I will save their lives because it is profitable for me! I will sell them as slaves in Hedebyu in Jutland. We will sell them there with great benefits! And no one here will know about their fate! They are strong! And they will bring me great income! And those with black faces, like coal, will be in triple price!
“But as for you — I did not even promise life! You will now experience the ‘laws of justice’ of your God!”
… He ordered:
“Tie him to the mast! Stronger!”
… And Bolly continued to enjoy the triumph of his superiority and power in this situation:
“You will die slowly of wounds and thirst! Or — by the grace of Thor — you will get lightning struck! Or, by Njord’s grace, you will be broken against cliffs with this ‘floating shell’!” — Bolly scornfully kicked the side of the vessel.
“Orm, Lyot, Skeggy! Take the vessel out of the bay, remove the sail — and take it with you to the boat! Cut off the stern oar! Throw overboard all the other oars so that people can find them on the shore! By these special carved arms on the oars — they easily will determine that the vessel of Olav was lost, even if the remains of the vessel itself are not cast ashore by the storm.
“Then come back on the boats! Faster: after a couple of hours the storm will crush this trough into small chips, throwing it on sharp rocks! Or — the storm will take it so far away that a quick death for Olav might be considered a blessing!
“Now — goodbye, Olav! Give my greetings to your God and enjoy your ‘laws of goodness and justice’!”
* * *
The storm played out in full force. Arching lightning flashes cut through the blackness of the clouds…Lead-black shafts crashed onto an unguided vessel.
The body of Olav, tied to the mast, seemed almost lifeless. But he was still alive.
Olav turned to God. He did not ask for salvation. He was not afraid of the death of his body. But he tried to understand the reasons for everything that was happening to him now:
“What is this all for? By what I have attracted all these troubles to my friends and my beloved, who will never wait up for me? What did I do wrong? Is it really that so stupid and ignominious a fate will be the end of my earthly life?”
“Sometimes it is correct to ask not ‘what for?’, but ‘what is the reason?’!” — the answer came from the Shining Living Light, Which was seen suddenly by Olav everywhere around.
He decided that this is death. Because he ceased to perceive the raging sea and black clouds, ceased to hear thunder.
He — really completely left the body and found himself among the Divine Souls, Who constituted by Themselves this Sea of Divine Light!
He realized that he had become… one of Them! He became — a Part of the One All-Powerful Lord, consisting of many of the Perfects!
… Always before in meditations, feeling God, Olav perceived Him as a certain Force, Light or Divine Fire, separate from Olav himself. He could merge with Him for a while, but there always remained one who understood that here is a soul which for a time is united with God…
But now — Olav felt himself completely identical with Him! Olav became an inseparable Part of the All-Creating Divine Consciousness — the Omnipresent, Mighty, and Gentle in His Divine Omnipotence!
From this Oceanic Part of Himself — Olav recalled and saw all of His last earthly life…
… He was greeted by Others — the same as He, the Divine Souls in male and female Forms. In Them, there was so much Beauty, Caress, Wisdom, Care!…
They began to speak:
“Yes, You are now — One of Us!
“Life in the body on the Earth makes it difficult to remember what was before the incarnation.
“But You, in fact, wished to come in a body on the Earth to return to people Knowledge of the Highest!
“And now — the time has come for you, having been enriched with many qualities necessary for the attainment of Divinity, including the ability for strong emotions of love, — to realize fully Your Divinity.
“Moreover, You have to learn to live possessing the Immortal Body!”
… Again Olav felt Himself in the body tied to the mast of the dying vessel… But He returned to the body — being in Divine awareness of Himself.
He began to try to substitute the totality of the Divine Being — for the raging sea, the thirst, the pain of the helpless bound body at the mast… And again, He became the Radiant Divine Light!
… The storm raged for a long time…
Olav seemed to die in the body — and then resurrected in it again, learning to feel Oneself in the body — as the Possessor of Divine Mind, Omniscience, and Power. This was repeated again and again, until nothing remained in the body tied to the mast — of the former Olav-man.
Then — the Divine Flame flared up and filled all His earthly body.
He has now acquired a new Body that could no longer be separated from God. This new body retained the shape of the former body. But it could not be killed any more. It was — the Divine Immortal Body, by which God could easily do His Will on the Earth! To see, hear and speak — Olav could now with the help of this new Body.
And this Body was only a small part of Him. As the Soul — He was huge! He could freely penetrate the abyss of the sea and the earth’s firmament, rising from the Deepest Depths.
… The storm began to subside quickly. In gaps between the clouds, sunshine began to shine.
Olav moved his shoulders — and the ropes fell apart, like ash…
He stretched out his hand — and a bowl of water was in it. And He drank.
He thought that the thirst and hunger, from which He had recently died, were like a dream.
He stretched out his hand — and took from the unmanifested world the warm bread. The bread was as delicious as the purest water from the bowl.
Olav realized that His Intention alone was enough to control the vessel.
In the distance, on the cliff, He saw a female figure. It was Annika. She was waiting for Him.
It turned out that the storm had driven the vessel close to the familiar shore. A little more — and He will be in place.
* * *
It was a complete calm after a terrible storm.Olav sent — by His Intent — the vessel to the shore. And… habitually took by the hand a stump of the steering oar which did not even reach the water…
The vessel obeyed without any material effort. Olav now accustomed to a new way of living, realizing the Divine opportunities which He had attained. He learned to control Oneself-Power — just as He once mastered control of the drakkar with the help of the steering oar.
… He saw Annika running to meet him along the path from the cliff, when Vagni came out of the small house and stared in amazement at what was happening.
Olav is back! But — no longer as a man, but as God-Man!
Now — in the fullness of the Divine Awareness — He must continue that Work for which He was born on the Earth as man, and then as God!
Chapter Nine:
Return of Olav
Return of Olav
Gentle hills overgrown with blossoming heath… Its little pink-lilac flowers shine in the rays of the morning sun.
Pines, covered with morning dew, rise over the heather carpet.
Sometimes granite stones protrude from the heather. They were here even in those times when Ódin walked in body through these lands.
Since childhood, I loved these beautiful places, still not knowing that it was the Divine Presence of Odin, which made them so incredibly beautiful, giving a hard-to-describe joy!
And now I, having known Him already for many years, am overflowed with gratitude to Him for His Love, for His Care!
His words fill me with unearthly Happiness, and the Mergence of consciousnesses gives great Bliss!
Odin — in response to my emotions — expresses by His emotions and words Love between God and the embodied human soul:
“I’m Omnipresent!
“From any corner of the universe — in an instant — I can be close to you!
“You can — in the body or without a body, that is, as a free soul — call Me. And I — at the same moment will be next to you and in you!
“The Ocean of My Transparent Peace embraces you always. But if you want to turn your love to Me, then the Flame of My reciprocal Love flares up!
“I am ready to direct Flows of My Tenderness towards you, in you — whenever you think of Me!
“If you invite — then I enter into your loving heart, granting a state of Happiness.
“I am ready to pour My Power in your body, filling it with the Fiery Stream of My Love!
“I say these words not only to you: I want everyone, reading these lines, to try to be in your place — for feeling Me, for hearing Me!
“I address these words to everyone who loves Me! I am ready to embrace everyone who is faithful to Me, who is directed to Me!
“I am One of Many, Who have attained the Divine Oneness in the past! And Each of Us is ready to lead to the Divine Universal House — the Ocean of Primordial Consciousness — everyone who sends to Us the emotions of love!
“The soul, who has learned to love, overcomes the obstacles that seemed insurmountable before, and quickly approaches the Creator!”
… Having immersed me in His Light, Odin continued to tell the saga.
* * *
When that terrible storm was approaching, a sensation of irreparable misfortune piled on Annika. Her heart trembled and compressed, as if in pain. A loving soul always feels if trouble happens to the beloved.Storm clouds approached, thunder rumbled…
Vagni already several times called her into the house. But Annika did not leave the top of the cliff.
“Oh, Great Gods! If Olav has died, then it’s time for me to follow him! Because I would like to be with him in life and in death! I want to share his fate, to accept, too, the fate that You have prepared for him!”
“Do not rush, Annika, you can spoil everything with your haste! That which for a small soul can seem a disaster or even a death — the same for the Great Soul has a completely different meaning! Wait! He will come to you in three days!”
“… Do I hear You?! Am I not crazy due to waiting and anxiousness? Are You talking to me?! Can I converse with Gods?!”
“Of course! And everyone can do it! But why else did you turn to Us? Did you not expect Us to answer and advise you?”
“I never heard answers before…”
“Everything happens once for the first time! You’re growing up, Annika! You have cultivated love which unites souls! A soul which has become love, can very much! It can learn both to see, to hear, to talk at a distance with other people! Also such a soul can communicate with Gods — as with Friends and Teachers! You have to know all this, since you firmly decided to share the fate of your beloved!
“You must wait three days more!”
… A terrible storm was raging.
Vagni spoke to Annika, trying to calm her down:
“Do not be afraid! Olav is wise and will never risk the lives of his friends and the vessel! In such weather, they certainly took refuge in some quiet bay!”
… Annika could hardly hear Vagni. Sometimes she saw — as if in a fog — the face of Olav, consisting of Light, and other radiant Divine Faces. This gave her hope. But then she again did not see or hear anything, and from the alarm, she felt that she would die in that very moment…
* * *
It was the “Yes,
I returned frommorning after the storm. Not the slightest breeze! Annika stood on the cliff and looked at the sea.
… The vessel of Olav was approaching. There was no wind, no rowers, no sail on the mast…
Invisible Force propelled the vessel to the shore.
Olav stood at the stern and held the steering oar.
She hardly recognized her beloved. His hair was now white, like snow, lit by the sun. And the shining of Light was around!
She ran from the cliff to meet.
He went ashore and hugged her!
“Now we’ll go for my friends, Annika! They were captured because of their loyalty to Me. And we must free them.
“After that, if you do not change your mind, it will be our wedding.”
“How could I change my mind?!”
“I have returned. But I am not exactly what I was before. I am now one of Gods. And the Great Power is now in Me! I will have to do many deeds, obeying the Will of the One!
“And I will never be able to deviate from His Will — even out of love for you.”
“I belong to You forever, my Beloved, and I do not want a different fate, except to live with You!”
Now He controlled the movement, embracing Annika who was pressing to Him, and at the same time continuing to listen to His Divine Brothers and Sisters:
“You had gone through the ‘gates of death’ — to the Eternal Life! And yet your body did not die. This is a great opportunity to convey the Divine Knowledge to people directly, without intermediaries. To be God, having a body like the bodies of people, — this is a great fortune!
“Now you need to learn how to control the Divine Force.
“You can display It as the Great Calm or — in the required quantity and intensity — as the Divine Light or Fire. And also — directly by affairs, surpassing usual possibilities of men.
“But You no longer have to and will not be able to display the former personal human desires. This is, first of all, the desire to help or change anything in the lives of people — in your personal discretion. But only the Divine Will will be manifested through You!
“Now You must not forget even for a moment — Who You are and why You are here!
“You, as the Cognizer of the Unity, now can reveal the Omnipotence of One God, His Wisdom, and Love — with the help of Your material body. And many people will be able to see and hear this!
“Your job now will be — with the help of your material body — to nurture, bringing up souls, direct their growth. And this is a long and, at first sight, very ungratifying work!
“But You can now show in detail the Path — to those who will rush to Us and are able to overcome the tests of the Path!
“Remember always: great responsibility is in possessing the Divine Power!”
… Olav was accustoming to His new state and learned to control the Force, Which was now at His disposal.
His Omnipotence, however, did not mean the possibility of doing whatever it pleased… Divine Omnipotence implied not only the Force, but also the One Divine Will that cannot be transgressed for the sake of personal desire.
The sense of Power, the perception of Himself as the Ocean of Divine Consciousness — was new to Olav.
And He studied the Power, Wisdom, and Patience of God.
The Power of all the Lords of the universe was connecting with the Power of Olav!
He was One of Them — the Set of Those Who, like the Waves of the Great Ocean, create Their Work without detaching Themselves from the Oceanic Depths. Or They are at Rest — and there were no Divine Waves, but only Blissful Peace inviting and waiting for the Worthy into Oneness.
Everything that Olav first knew, feeling only for a short time in meditations — all this became His Essence, His new Divine Life!
The body did not hinder this. It was a small part of His Being, but allowed to manifest — by the Words and Power — the Divine Whole.
He could see — with help of the eyes of the body or without their help: directly as the Divine Soul.
He also realized that the One Divine Ocean can now look through the eyes of His body. And, seeing the gaze of such eyes, evil and vicious souls would tremble. But those who strive for good, love, and purity — would be filled with happiness!
He could now speak the Words of Divine Wisdom with the help of the body — so that they would be heard by ordinary people who had not yet acquired the ability to personally understand God directly. But also — He could inspire thoughts in the soul without the help of words.
It was enough for him to pay attention to any soul and take it on the Palm of the Hand of Consciousness — and He knew the destiny of this soul, saw all its qualities and thoughts.
Annika, friends, the people of Bolly, who wanted to harm him,… — all were now in Him-Ocean! And not only they…
He has become the Lord of all beings in the Ocean of Life, but there was in Him no personal desire to command.
From the Great Unity — He saw now the reasonableness and expediency of all that is happening and understood the right of free choice of each soul.
Olav now learned to see also those rare moments when the Divine Power can intervene in what is happening, — with the purpose of helping people understand the Divine Laws and gain love.
And one such moment approached.
… Here — already was before them the bay, where recently unfolded the events with the attack on their vessel. Here was the camp of Bolly’s people: boats, robbers guarding the riches and captive friends of Olav…
There were screams of horror:
“Ghost! It’s the ghost of Olav! It is he! He wants revenge and to take our lives!”
… Even the most fearless Vikings wavered before the sorcery and other manifestations from the immaterial worlds.
Olav approached the people of Bolly who were frozen in astonishment and fear. Now, none of them had any doubts that it was Olav: alive — or only seeming so…
Olav began to speak, and Divine Love was in the sound of His voice. The Divine Peace was filling the space around His body.
“Yes it’s Me! I come for My friends! Yes, I’ve returned from the realm of death — to fulfill the Will of Gods! Untie them!
But before the stunned with astonishment people of Bolly rushed to carry out the order — the ropes crumbled to dust.
The joyful exclamation of Roon broke the silence:
“Olav! I knew, I believed that it will be so!”
… Roon ran up and, without hiding tears of happiness, embraced Olav!
Bolly wanted to throw a knife in Olav, but he could not even move his hand. And none of his people could move or say a word…
Olav continued:
“Yes, I returned from the worlds, where souls go after the death of their bodies.
“Do not try, Bolly, you cannot kill Me anymore, no matter how much you want it!
“Yes, I returned, endowed with Wisdom and the Power of Gods, — to tell people about the Divine Laws.
“I will not take revenge on you, Bolly, and your warriors for the evil that you caused my friends. The evil created is already a terrible punishment for those who commit it! This evil always returns to the one who committed the atrocity, it predetermines for that one a terrible fate in future!
“It is due to ignorance — people, most often, transgress Divine Laws and create troubles for themselves and others!
“But these Laws are called upon to help souls in reaching the Divine worlds! They are very simple:
‘Do not harm anyone!
‘Help all in all good!
‘Give others love — and love will fill with happiness also your life!’
“Knowing these Laws, one can understand also that there is a Divine Justice.
“I will now show each of you what will happen to him in later life — as a reward for already committed evil.”
… And before each of the people of Bolly — like a dream in reality — went pictures of his possible future, with an understanding of causes-and-effects connections, which are usually revealed before souls only after the death of their bodies.
After a long pause, during which each saw and understood very much, Olav continued to say:
“Sincere repentance will allow each of you an opportunity to build your destiny differently, changing the sad fate created by previous affairs.
“The fate of one does not depend on what one was awarded at birth by ‘Goddess of fate’. This fairytale only reflects the reality that a soul comes into incarnation on the Earth with a plan-fate, already formed, and Gods only determine what from this and in what sequence is to be realized.
“But no less important is what and how one does in this life. This also predetermines one’s future — both close and remote in time — and can change one’s own destiny for better or for worse.
“The manifestation of hatred, the resistance against good and love, the infliction of evil upon others — are, in fact, means to oppose the Divine Will! It means killing the potential of Divinity in themselves and hindering the growth of the Divine in others!”
… The words of Olav penetrated into the depths of each soul, and if there was even a little bit of good and light there, then the understanding took root there…
Then Olav suggested to the people of Bolly:
“Now — get ready for the journey! You will drive the convoy with the jewels you have stolen — to whom these values were promised by Me. Go to the konung Ingvar and tell him that I kept my promise and that Annika is now my wife and will always be with Me.”
All his former assistants now left him. It was somewhat easier for them to survive what had happened to them, because it was he who commanded them, but they — only carried out criminal orders…
Bolly was worse than he had ever been before in his life. Anger smothered him! And yet every outburst of hatred caused a sharp pain in the body. Once he was filled with the emotions of hatred for Olav — and his body was twisted by convulsions and severe pain. But he could not reconcile himself to what had happened, and repentance did not come.
He was lying, unable to get up. He accused in his mind the magic of Olav in this state of his and still could not understand that his own anger engendered every subsequent attack of pain that shook his body.
And suddenly Bolly saw the reality of a woman’s face which he also saw in that vision, when Olav showed them all their deaths. And this death in the vision was from the woman’s hand. It was both painful and humiliating for him!…
And then he saw this woman really before him…
She was tall. Men’s clothes were on her body. The dagger flashed in her hand…
Vagni also saw this stranger, who raised the dagger over Bolly, who was crouching on the ground at the burning fire.
And, even though Bolly deserved the most terrible punishment, Vagni stopped with his strong grip the already poised arm with dagger.
“It is not necessary to finish off the defeated foes!” — he said softly.
“What do you understand?! He deserves the most terrible and painful death! He robbed our village when our men did not return from the campaign! And in winter, women and children were dying of hunger! I vowed to find him and take revenge! And you — you cannot stop me! I’ve been looking for him for a year!”
“You will stop yourself: because a quick death now will only relieve his torment! Look how pathetic and insignificant he is!
“And mercy is more becoming for a woman than vengeance! Let him now be sick with remorse! Let all those innocent people, who were killed by him, be recalled!
“And now he himself is already worse than a dead man! And to no one else can he do harm!”
… And then in front of Bolly again began to swim terrible images — like dreams in reality.
Those people whom he did not remember, but who died because of him, surrounded him from all sides. Bolly shouted at them, trying to justify himself: “I never killed children! I did not fight against women! I’m just a robber!… Yes, I cheated, betrayed… But I fought only men…”. But he was silently staring in the reproachful eyes of many souls… Bolly burst into tears…
This hell, which he was experiencing, finally gave rise to his repentance…
The pain of the body began to let go. It was replaced by the pain of the soul, which needed a great cleansing…
He embraced her soft broad shoulders and led her to the companions of Olav, who were preparing the vessel, damaged by the storm, for sailing.
Vagni asked:
“What's your name?”
“Gerd. I’ve been looking for this scoundrel so long to take revenge…”
“Now you can be sure that he will inevitably be punished in full.
“And death is not the most terrible punishment…
“Revenge — always only sows the continuation and multiplication of evil!
“Moreover, it makes more cruel the avenging soul, which — according to God’s Intention — was called to blossom in love…”
… He stroked her hand tenderly, not knowing where his tenderness came from…
Vagni did not think that he was capable of falling in love… Gerd did not think that she could still meet someone who would be her favorite husband…
These people have gained the understanding that the beginning of their new life should be honest, also that robbery and theft, even unsolved and un-identified by other people, cannot serve as the foundation for a happy and joyful life.
They had now new understanding of the meaning of life — and this truly new life could not be entered with the help of stolen gold. It had to be started by changing each oneself. And of all the exploits this is the most difficult…
… Olav and his comrades put the vessel in order and set off on a journey.
“It seems that we are waiting not for one wedding, but two!” — friends joyfully joked over Vagni.
And Annika, with light anxiety, asked Olav:
“Tell me, can you make me die before I grow old and become not good-looking?”
… Olav laughed, embracing his beloved:
“Why are you so foolish now?
Well-well, I promise you, too, will look age-appropriate!”
Not so easy was the fate of the one who became His wife and raised their children. But nothing would Annika prefer to exchange in this fate, which included life with the Beloved!
It’s an early morning in the city. A large river powerfully carries its transparent waters to the sea. Granite quays in these hours are still deserted. Light mist moves slowly over the calm surface of water.
Above the river, white-winged seagulls hover and remind with their exclamations the open sea spaces.
This is the place of our meetings with Odin in the city. He called me to meet Him here — and I have come.
The border of His immense immaterial body from the Light — on this place — is very clear! Crossing it, I as if leave the world of matter — and enter a space where there is only God.
He meets me, showing Himself as not only Love, but Vastness and Power of His Divine Majesty!
I asked:
“Will we finish writing down the saga today, Odin?”
“Do not outstep Me, wanting to know how ended the story of Olav! Let me tell you everything as I’ve planned!”
… He plunged me into the Silence, from which, like waves, began to rise His words:
“Look around and into the depths! Cognize Me in all, in everywhere!
“See how I live in My Creation — as Gentle Love, penetrating into everything!
“See: there is only the Life of God in the universe!
“And this Life is present in everything: in a blade of grass, in granite rocks, in hovering seagulls, in people who make their ways along the land…
“And righteous souls grow, transforming themselves into subtle love — in order to comprehend the Bliss and Power from Mergence with All-Creating Divine Love!
“Loving all them, guarding, correcting wisely the wayward, I am waiting for the worthy — in the Primordial House, where all the Accomplished are the One Ocean of the Creator, where All are One in Him!”
… For a long time Ódin’s words were framed only by transparent Silence.
After a while, I asked:
“Tell me, Odin, what can we change in this world?”
“But, nevertheless, you can teach people to smile — instead of frowning and blaming others, trying to find or invent their shortcomings.
“You can teach them cordial relationships to those who are around, to help others.
“You can explain how harmful and destructive it is for them — to hate, envy, be jealous…
“You can try to teach people to reduce fear towards their life and appreciate the amazing possibilities of transforming themselves and the world around! God is near and is ready to give to everyone who deserves it and wants it, the Helping Hand!
“You can let people know that all the thoughts and emotions of a person are like an open book, which God reads very easily! And nothing is nor can be hidden from His Omniscience!
“You can teach people to observe the manifestations of the Divine in their lives!
“And more — it needs to explain that everyone can try to not harm anyone and not break harmony! And this is so simple!
“You can give a key that opens the door of the spiritual heart! It is the open and correctly developing spiritual heart that allows one to learn to see and hear God — and in future directly receive His Guidance in life!
“That’s how Olav lived, helping people cognize the Truth about God.
“One, who has cognized the Truth, directs the growth and development of other souls. This is the work of God, Who works, being incarnate on the Earth.”
“How much can God do, living in a body like the body of an ordinary person?”
“Many times the Divine Souls came to the Earth to bring the Truth to people. But Divine Knowledge does not last long in undistorted purity!… Not many people are usually able to understand the depth of the Teaching and can reach the Abode of all the Perfects under the guidance of the Great Teachers…”
… But the Great Traveler walked along the land.
His Greatness was revealed only for few people. His clothes were simple. The hooded cloak covered His body from winds and bad weather, it also served as a bed. The Traveler did not have a sword or bow. Only a staff and knife on the belt were useful on the way.
He had two companions: a white wolf named Tryuggvi which means the Faithful, and a raven named Alvis that means Wise.
Many years ago, the Traveler picked up this fledgling of a raven and cured his broken wing.
And he rescued a white wolf’s cub from a trapping pit…
Both the rescued became for a long time companions in the wanderings of the Traveler.
And His life was much greater than the duration of mortal age.
He walked on the land with a body like the body of an ordinary man: white as snow curly hair to the shoulders, a white beard, a young man’s carriage and a light step, powerful shoulders and the hands of a mature husband full of unprecedented strength. Also — the radiant look of a Man Who perceives what is happening in the world — from the Great Divine Depths.
The raven flew high in the sky and sometimes spoke something to Olav in soft guttural cries. And Olav understood its language.
It was possible to think that the raven sees further… But it was not so. No matter how far Alvis soared in the sky, Olav saw further…
The radiant Image from the Light with the face of Olav covered Him in space, rose into the sky, pierced space in all directions with the streams of Divine Power — as if there was no earthly firmament!
It proceeded from the Depths, into which small souls do not look.
And any corner of the Earth could be seen by the Traveler. He could know all that He needed about every soul. All that was required was easily revealed in the gaze of the Divine Soul!
It could be thought that the tremendous wolf Tryuggvi serves as reliable protection for the relatively unarmed Wanderer… But the Power of Olav was another. It proceeded via the Ocean of the Divine Power, Which gives the right to the Lords of Power to use It in accordance with the Great United Will of all the Perfects.
Olav used to be a Wanderer, Who bypassed the land and brought order where his intervention was appropriate.
He used to be such that any creature could be perceived by Him as clearly as He perceived Himself. He could feel the growth of a small blade of grass, the inviolability of granite cliffs, and the tranquility of powerful trees. And he saw and felt every man clearly. As soon as he directed the gaze of the Soul — He could know his or her thoughts, emotions, the past of this soul and the possible future.
But He remained One with the Almighty Ocean of Love, Wisdom, and Power, Which begot and sustains the “manifested” life in the universe.
Olav became one of the Lords of the universe. He supported individual lives on the Earth with His Love and Power — the Force emanating from the Great Depths, where there was only the Ocean of God that could not be divided.
Olav looked at everything from these Depths.
He had to only stretch out his hand — and on his palm he could feel both the vessels in the stormy or calm sea, and the towns with many people inhabiting them, and the forests and seas with their inhabitants… There were no boundaries to His Omnipresence!
The Wisdom of Gods was at His disposal, and any knowledge He could draw from this Source of Wisdom.
His every word or action achieved the goal. Therefore, He did not speak unnecessary words and did not perform actions without need.
Roon was among Them. Many poets and skalds heard at the moments of inspiration His words coming to them from the Light!
Beautiful was the departure from the earthly life of the Great Scald, Who lived the life of courage and brilliance! When the impaled with an arrow body of Roon lay on the Fire Hands of Olav, and the Soul plunged into the Primordial Source of Divine Light, people saw a blissful smile on the lips of the abandoned body. And they were surprised…
And Roon entered His New Divine life. Olav and many Others welcomed His glorious Victory, by which human life can be completed!
… For a long time already in the country, called Gardarika, Annika regained the new body and grew up. Her name was new, and her fate was beautiful! Many Gods took care of her growth.
Olav loved to be by Soul with her. He patiently waited for the onset of the time when she would gain all the fullness of the Divinity by her efforts on the Great Path and fulfill all, that was planned for her. He was waiting for the moment when He could introduce her, as Soul Who Has Achieved, the Divine House and say: “Hello, My Beloved! You’ve come! You are accepted!”
And many others of Olav’s friends still continued their Path, incarnating into new bodies — to acquire and develop love, wisdom, and power that would allow them to overcome the distance separating man from the world of the Divine. This distance is calculated not by miles, but by the degree of subtlety, beauty, and strength of the transforming soul.
Among those going to the Light — it was joyful for Olav to see His companions, who were comrades in His former distant voyages. Among them were Richard, the helmsman Vagni, his brave wife, and many-many others…
Olav managed to stop many people of vice on their false way, change their sad fates, give them the right understanding and a chance to straighten their destinies.
Many new male and female disciples have been found by Him over the past centuries!
The Divine Traveler could enter any house on the Earth. He was met in different ways… And the fates of those people changed according to whether they rejected or accepted the Gifts of Love and Wisdom that the Divine Guest presented them.
The children were small: the boy was about six years old, and his sister — no more than five. The bucket was heavy. They often slipped, then the icy water splashed out and burned with its cold. Finally the children stopped to rest.
Suddenly a huge white wolf emerged from behind the trees.
“What a big dog!” — exclaimed Frida.
Eric, guessing that it’s a wolf, hugged his sister, shielding her with himself.
Following the wolf, the Traveler in a cloak with a hood came out of the forest.
“Do not be afraid! It’s a friend and will not harm you!” — the Traveler said to the children.
The white wolf ran up and began to lick with his warm tongue children’s frozen hands.
The stranger, too, came closer.
“Will you let Me help you in carrying this bucket?”
“Yes, sir!” — Eric answered.
“Then — show the way!”
… Eric walked in front. Behind him, patting the wolf, was Frida. Next — the Stranger with the bucket. And above them flew a raven.
When they came to the house, the wolf already was lying at the threshold, and the raven perched on the roof.
The boy opened the door:
“Welcome to our house, sir! We always welcome guests!” — he pronounced, apparently, often hearing before from the parents these words. Then — already inside the house — he continued with embarrassment:
“Forgive us for the cold… And there’s almost nothing to treat you… Father has not come back from the trip for a very-very long time. Mother is sick. She is asleep already for three days… We cannot wake her. And the firewood is finished, and brushwood burns very quickly and provides almost no heat.”
… Eric put in cold stove icy thin twigs, but could not ignite it.
The Guest put the bucket on the floor in the indicated place, went to the stove — and a bright strong flame flared up, as if there was an armful of dry firewood.
Meanwhile, Frida put on the table the cups and the rest of the dry barley flat cake on the plate in the middle.
Guest said:
“I’ll try to wake up your mother.”
… He walked over to the couch, on which the body of the children’s mother lay motionless, and sat on the edge.
“Wake up, Solveig!” — He called a woman by name, which none of the children pronounced. — “Come back: you have good children, they need you!”
Solveig took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Then she got up on the bed, looking with joyful surprise at the Stranger:
“Who are You Who dwells in the worlds on the other side of death as freely as Gods? I thought I was dead…”
“Friends usually call Me Olav,” — the Guest answered. — “Let’s go to the table, Solveig: your children are hungry!”
… Olav took his canvas bag and began to take out of it different treats and lay them out on the table: warm and soft bread, butter, cheese, honey, nuts, dried fruits.
All this could not fit in a small bag if one were to try folding it back…
After a meal Frida asked:
“Can I feed your friends and companions, sir?”
… Olav, smiling, allowed.
And the children treated Tryuggvi and Alvis, and they then participated in children’s games.
In the evening, when Erik and Frida were already asleep, Solveig asked:
“How can I thank You for the return to life in this body? You saved more than one life, but three. My children would not survive…”
“Your gratitude will be simple. I will teach you something from the Sacred Divine Knowledge, which is useful to everyone. And you — teach your children for they — in turn — will teach their children and other people how to live in accordance with the Divine Will.
“There is a holy source of love that every person has. This is the spiritual heart. To awaken this source is the task for you. And you can help many people to realize this.
… The vessel of Olav was approaching. There was no wind, no rowers, no sail on the mast…
Invisible Force propelled the vessel to the shore.
Olav stood at the stern and held the steering oar.
She hardly recognized her beloved. His hair was now white, like snow, lit by the sun. And the shining of Light was around!
She ran from the cliff to meet.
He went ashore and hugged her!
“Now we’ll go for my friends, Annika! They were captured because of their loyalty to Me. And we must free them.
“After that, if you do not change your mind, it will be our wedding.”
“How could I change my mind?!”
“I have returned. But I am not exactly what I was before. I am now one of Gods. And the Great Power is now in Me! I will have to do many deeds, obeying the Will of the One!
“And I will never be able to deviate from His Will — even out of love for you.”
“I belong to You forever, my Beloved, and I do not want a different fate, except to live with You!”
* * *
Olav now knew that navigating a vessel could be much faster than it used to be.Now He controlled the movement, embracing Annika who was pressing to Him, and at the same time continuing to listen to His Divine Brothers and Sisters:
“You had gone through the ‘gates of death’ — to the Eternal Life! And yet your body did not die. This is a great opportunity to convey the Divine Knowledge to people directly, without intermediaries. To be God, having a body like the bodies of people, — this is a great fortune!
“Now you need to learn how to control the Divine Force.
“You can display It as the Great Calm or — in the required quantity and intensity — as the Divine Light or Fire. And also — directly by affairs, surpassing usual possibilities of men.
“But You no longer have to and will not be able to display the former personal human desires. This is, first of all, the desire to help or change anything in the lives of people — in your personal discretion. But only the Divine Will will be manifested through You!
“Now You must not forget even for a moment — Who You are and why You are here!
“You, as the Cognizer of the Unity, now can reveal the Omnipotence of One God, His Wisdom, and Love — with the help of Your material body. And many people will be able to see and hear this!
“Your job now will be — with the help of your material body — to nurture, bringing up souls, direct their growth. And this is a long and, at first sight, very ungratifying work!
“But You can now show in detail the Path — to those who will rush to Us and are able to overcome the tests of the Path!
“Remember always: great responsibility is in possessing the Divine Power!”
… Olav was accustoming to His new state and learned to control the Force, Which was now at His disposal.
His Omnipotence, however, did not mean the possibility of doing whatever it pleased… Divine Omnipotence implied not only the Force, but also the One Divine Will that cannot be transgressed for the sake of personal desire.
The sense of Power, the perception of Himself as the Ocean of Divine Consciousness — was new to Olav.
And He studied the Power, Wisdom, and Patience of God.
The Power of all the Lords of the universe was connecting with the Power of Olav!
He was One of Them — the Set of Those Who, like the Waves of the Great Ocean, create Their Work without detaching Themselves from the Oceanic Depths. Or They are at Rest — and there were no Divine Waves, but only Blissful Peace inviting and waiting for the Worthy into Oneness.
Everything that Olav first knew, feeling only for a short time in meditations — all this became His Essence, His new Divine Life!
The body did not hinder this. It was a small part of His Being, but allowed to manifest — by the Words and Power — the Divine Whole.
He could see — with help of the eyes of the body or without their help: directly as the Divine Soul.
He also realized that the One Divine Ocean can now look through the eyes of His body. And, seeing the gaze of such eyes, evil and vicious souls would tremble. But those who strive for good, love, and purity — would be filled with happiness!
He could now speak the Words of Divine Wisdom with the help of the body — so that they would be heard by ordinary people who had not yet acquired the ability to personally understand God directly. But also — He could inspire thoughts in the soul without the help of words.
It was enough for him to pay attention to any soul and take it on the Palm of the Hand of Consciousness — and He knew the destiny of this soul, saw all its qualities and thoughts.
Annika, friends, the people of Bolly, who wanted to harm him,… — all were now in Him-Ocean! And not only they…
He has become the Lord of all beings in the Ocean of Life, but there was in Him no personal desire to command.
From the Great Unity — He saw now the reasonableness and expediency of all that is happening and understood the right of free choice of each soul.
Olav now learned to see also those rare moments when the Divine Power can intervene in what is happening, — with the purpose of helping people understand the Divine Laws and gain love.
And one such moment approached.
… Here — already was before them the bay, where recently unfolded the events with the attack on their vessel. Here was the camp of Bolly’s people: boats, robbers guarding the riches and captive friends of Olav…
* * *
The people of Bolly noticed the vessel quickly approaching on the surface of the water — while windless, without sail and oarsmen.There were screams of horror:
“Ghost! It’s the ghost of Olav! It is he! He wants revenge and to take our lives!”
… Even the most fearless Vikings wavered before the sorcery and other manifestations from the immaterial worlds.
Olav approached the people of Bolly who were frozen in astonishment and fear. Now, none of them had any doubts that it was Olav: alive — or only seeming so…
Olav began to speak, and Divine Love was in the sound of His voice. The Divine Peace was filling the space around His body.
“Yes it’s Me! I come for My friends! Yes, I’ve returned from the realm of death — to fulfill the Will of Gods! Untie them!
But before the stunned with astonishment people of Bolly rushed to carry out the order — the ropes crumbled to dust.
The joyful exclamation of Roon broke the silence:
“Olav! I knew, I believed that it will be so!”
… Roon ran up and, without hiding tears of happiness, embraced Olav!
Bolly wanted to throw a knife in Olav, but he could not even move his hand. And none of his people could move or say a word…
Olav continued:
“Yes, I returned from the worlds, where souls go after the death of their bodies.
“Do not try, Bolly, you cannot kill Me anymore, no matter how much you want it!
“Yes, I returned, endowed with Wisdom and the Power of Gods, — to tell people about the Divine Laws.
“I will not take revenge on you, Bolly, and your warriors for the evil that you caused my friends. The evil created is already a terrible punishment for those who commit it! This evil always returns to the one who committed the atrocity, it predetermines for that one a terrible fate in future!
“It is due to ignorance — people, most often, transgress Divine Laws and create troubles for themselves and others!
“But these Laws are called upon to help souls in reaching the Divine worlds! They are very simple:
‘Do not harm anyone!
‘Help all in all good!
‘Give others love — and love will fill with happiness also your life!’
“Knowing these Laws, one can understand also that there is a Divine Justice.
“I will now show each of you what will happen to him in later life — as a reward for already committed evil.”
… And before each of the people of Bolly — like a dream in reality — went pictures of his possible future, with an understanding of causes-and-effects connections, which are usually revealed before souls only after the death of their bodies.
After a long pause, during which each saw and understood very much, Olav continued to say:
“Sincere repentance will allow each of you an opportunity to build your destiny differently, changing the sad fate created by previous affairs.
“The fate of one does not depend on what one was awarded at birth by ‘Goddess of fate’. This fairytale only reflects the reality that a soul comes into incarnation on the Earth with a plan-fate, already formed, and Gods only determine what from this and in what sequence is to be realized.
“But no less important is what and how one does in this life. This also predetermines one’s future — both close and remote in time — and can change one’s own destiny for better or for worse.
“The manifestation of hatred, the resistance against good and love, the infliction of evil upon others — are, in fact, means to oppose the Divine Will! It means killing the potential of Divinity in themselves and hindering the growth of the Divine in others!”
… The words of Olav penetrated into the depths of each soul, and if there was even a little bit of good and light there, then the understanding took root there…
Then Olav suggested to the people of Bolly:
“Now — get ready for the journey! You will drive the convoy with the jewels you have stolen — to whom these values were promised by Me. Go to the konung Ingvar and tell him that I kept my promise and that Annika is now my wife and will always be with Me.”
* * *
Bolly lay alone by the cooling fire. His former associates wanted to bind him, but realized that this was already unnecessary.All his former assistants now left him. It was somewhat easier for them to survive what had happened to them, because it was he who commanded them, but they — only carried out criminal orders…
Bolly was worse than he had ever been before in his life. Anger smothered him! And yet every outburst of hatred caused a sharp pain in the body. Once he was filled with the emotions of hatred for Olav — and his body was twisted by convulsions and severe pain. But he could not reconcile himself to what had happened, and repentance did not come.
He was lying, unable to get up. He accused in his mind the magic of Olav in this state of his and still could not understand that his own anger engendered every subsequent attack of pain that shook his body.
And suddenly Bolly saw the reality of a woman’s face which he also saw in that vision, when Olav showed them all their deaths. And this death in the vision was from the woman’s hand. It was both painful and humiliating for him!…
And then he saw this woman really before him…
She was tall. Men’s clothes were on her body. The dagger flashed in her hand…
Vagni also saw this stranger, who raised the dagger over Bolly, who was crouching on the ground at the burning fire.
And, even though Bolly deserved the most terrible punishment, Vagni stopped with his strong grip the already poised arm with dagger.
“It is not necessary to finish off the defeated foes!” — he said softly.
“What do you understand?! He deserves the most terrible and painful death! He robbed our village when our men did not return from the campaign! And in winter, women and children were dying of hunger! I vowed to find him and take revenge! And you — you cannot stop me! I’ve been looking for him for a year!”
“You will stop yourself: because a quick death now will only relieve his torment! Look how pathetic and insignificant he is!
“And mercy is more becoming for a woman than vengeance! Let him now be sick with remorse! Let all those innocent people, who were killed by him, be recalled!
“And now he himself is already worse than a dead man! And to no one else can he do harm!”
… And then in front of Bolly again began to swim terrible images — like dreams in reality.
Those people whom he did not remember, but who died because of him, surrounded him from all sides. Bolly shouted at them, trying to justify himself: “I never killed children! I did not fight against women! I’m just a robber!… Yes, I cheated, betrayed… But I fought only men…”. But he was silently staring in the reproachful eyes of many souls… Bolly burst into tears…
This hell, which he was experiencing, finally gave rise to his repentance…
The pain of the body began to let go. It was replaced by the pain of the soul, which needed a great cleansing…
* * *
Grieving over the sobbing Bolly, the stranger allowed Vagni to unclasp from her hand the dagger. Vagni himself put her weapon into the sheath on her waist.He embraced her soft broad shoulders and led her to the companions of Olav, who were preparing the vessel, damaged by the storm, for sailing.
Vagni asked:
“What's your name?”
“Gerd. I’ve been looking for this scoundrel so long to take revenge…”
“Now you can be sure that he will inevitably be punished in full.
“And death is not the most terrible punishment…
“Revenge — always only sows the continuation and multiplication of evil!
“Moreover, it makes more cruel the avenging soul, which — according to God’s Intention — was called to blossom in love…”
… He stroked her hand tenderly, not knowing where his tenderness came from…
Vagni did not think that he was capable of falling in love… Gerd did not think that she could still meet someone who would be her favorite husband…
* * *
Soon the convoy with jewels went to konung Ingwar. None of those who escorted and guarded the cargo thought about stealing part of the gold and, fleeing somewhere, to start a new free and rich life there.These people have gained the understanding that the beginning of their new life should be honest, also that robbery and theft, even unsolved and un-identified by other people, cannot serve as the foundation for a happy and joyful life.
They had now new understanding of the meaning of life — and this truly new life could not be entered with the help of stolen gold. It had to be started by changing each oneself. And of all the exploits this is the most difficult…
… Olav and his comrades put the vessel in order and set off on a journey.
“It seems that we are waiting not for one wedding, but two!” — friends joyfully joked over Vagni.
And Annika, with light anxiety, asked Olav:
“Tell me, can you make me die before I grow old and become not good-looking?”
… Olav laughed, embracing his beloved:
“Why are you so foolish now?
Well-well, I promise you, too, will look age-appropriate!”
* * *
Many joys, difficulties and achievements waited ahead of Olav and His team.Not so easy was the fate of the one who became His wife and raised their children. But nothing would Annika prefer to exchange in this fate, which included life with the Beloved!
Chapter Ten:
The Great Traveler
The Great Traveler
It’s an early morning in the city. A large river powerfully carries its transparent waters to the sea. Granite quays in these hours are still deserted. Light mist moves slowly over the calm surface of water.
Above the river, white-winged seagulls hover and remind with their exclamations the open sea spaces.
This is the place of our meetings with Odin in the city. He called me to meet Him here — and I have come.
The border of His immense immaterial body from the Light — on this place — is very clear! Crossing it, I as if leave the world of matter — and enter a space where there is only God.
He meets me, showing Himself as not only Love, but Vastness and Power of His Divine Majesty!
I asked:
“Will we finish writing down the saga today, Odin?”
“Do not outstep Me, wanting to know how ended the story of Olav! Let me tell you everything as I’ve planned!”
… He plunged me into the Silence, from which, like waves, began to rise His words:
“Look around and into the depths! Cognize Me in all, in everywhere!
“See how I live in My Creation — as Gentle Love, penetrating into everything!
“See: there is only the Life of God in the universe!
“And this Life is present in everything: in a blade of grass, in granite rocks, in hovering seagulls, in people who make their ways along the land…
“And righteous souls grow, transforming themselves into subtle love — in order to comprehend the Bliss and Power from Mergence with All-Creating Divine Love!
“Loving all them, guarding, correcting wisely the wayward, I am waiting for the worthy — in the Primordial House, where all the Accomplished are the One Ocean of the Creator, where All are One in Him!”
… For a long time Ódin’s words were framed only by transparent Silence.
After a while, I asked:
“Tell me, Odin, what can we change in this world?”
“But, nevertheless, you can teach people to smile — instead of frowning and blaming others, trying to find or invent their shortcomings.
“You can teach them cordial relationships to those who are around, to help others.
“You can explain how harmful and destructive it is for them — to hate, envy, be jealous…
“You can try to teach people to reduce fear towards their life and appreciate the amazing possibilities of transforming themselves and the world around! God is near and is ready to give to everyone who deserves it and wants it, the Helping Hand!
“You can let people know that all the thoughts and emotions of a person are like an open book, which God reads very easily! And nothing is nor can be hidden from His Omniscience!
“You can teach people to observe the manifestations of the Divine in their lives!
“And more — it needs to explain that everyone can try to not harm anyone and not break harmony! And this is so simple!
“You can give a key that opens the door of the spiritual heart! It is the open and correctly developing spiritual heart that allows one to learn to see and hear God — and in future directly receive His Guidance in life!
“That’s how Olav lived, helping people cognize the Truth about God.
“One, who has cognized the Truth, directs the growth and development of other souls. This is the work of God, Who works, being incarnate on the Earth.”
“How much can God do, living in a body like the body of an ordinary person?”
“Many times the Divine Souls came to the Earth to bring the Truth to people. But Divine Knowledge does not last long in undistorted purity!… Not many people are usually able to understand the depth of the Teaching and can reach the Abode of all the Perfects under the guidance of the Great Teachers…”
* * *
So many years have passed, and people have long forgotten the story of the merchant Olav and his wife Annika. Generations have changed. The great-grandchildren of those who were their contemporaries already became adults and raised their children…… But the Great Traveler walked along the land.
His Greatness was revealed only for few people. His clothes were simple. The hooded cloak covered His body from winds and bad weather, it also served as a bed. The Traveler did not have a sword or bow. Only a staff and knife on the belt were useful on the way.
He had two companions: a white wolf named Tryuggvi which means the Faithful, and a raven named Alvis that means Wise.
Many years ago, the Traveler picked up this fledgling of a raven and cured his broken wing.
And he rescued a white wolf’s cub from a trapping pit…
Both the rescued became for a long time companions in the wanderings of the Traveler.
And His life was much greater than the duration of mortal age.
He walked on the land with a body like the body of an ordinary man: white as snow curly hair to the shoulders, a white beard, a young man’s carriage and a light step, powerful shoulders and the hands of a mature husband full of unprecedented strength. Also — the radiant look of a Man Who perceives what is happening in the world — from the Great Divine Depths.
The raven flew high in the sky and sometimes spoke something to Olav in soft guttural cries. And Olav understood its language.
It was possible to think that the raven sees further… But it was not so. No matter how far Alvis soared in the sky, Olav saw further…
The radiant Image from the Light with the face of Olav covered Him in space, rose into the sky, pierced space in all directions with the streams of Divine Power — as if there was no earthly firmament!
It proceeded from the Depths, into which small souls do not look.
And any corner of the Earth could be seen by the Traveler. He could know all that He needed about every soul. All that was required was easily revealed in the gaze of the Divine Soul!
It could be thought that the tremendous wolf Tryuggvi serves as reliable protection for the relatively unarmed Wanderer… But the Power of Olav was another. It proceeded via the Ocean of the Divine Power, Which gives the right to the Lords of Power to use It in accordance with the Great United Will of all the Perfects.
Olav used to be a Wanderer, Who bypassed the land and brought order where his intervention was appropriate.
He used to be such that any creature could be perceived by Him as clearly as He perceived Himself. He could feel the growth of a small blade of grass, the inviolability of granite cliffs, and the tranquility of powerful trees. And he saw and felt every man clearly. As soon as he directed the gaze of the Soul — He could know his or her thoughts, emotions, the past of this soul and the possible future.
But He remained One with the Almighty Ocean of Love, Wisdom, and Power, Which begot and sustains the “manifested” life in the universe.
Olav became one of the Lords of the universe. He supported individual lives on the Earth with His Love and Power — the Force emanating from the Great Depths, where there was only the Ocean of God that could not be divided.
Olav looked at everything from these Depths.
He had to only stretch out his hand — and on his palm he could feel both the vessels in the stormy or calm sea, and the towns with many people inhabiting them, and the forests and seas with their inhabitants… There were no boundaries to His Omnipresence!
The Wisdom of Gods was at His disposal, and any knowledge He could draw from this Source of Wisdom.
His every word or action achieved the goal. Therefore, He did not speak unnecessary words and did not perform actions without need.
* * *
Olav has already brought to the “Divine Harbor” many of His friends. They were now with Him together — in the Great House of the Primordial. And They, too, now executed Their Work to help people — both in northern and southern countries.Roon was among Them. Many poets and skalds heard at the moments of inspiration His words coming to them from the Light!
Beautiful was the departure from the earthly life of the Great Scald, Who lived the life of courage and brilliance! When the impaled with an arrow body of Roon lay on the Fire Hands of Olav, and the Soul plunged into the Primordial Source of Divine Light, people saw a blissful smile on the lips of the abandoned body. And they were surprised…
And Roon entered His New Divine life. Olav and many Others welcomed His glorious Victory, by which human life can be completed!
… For a long time already in the country, called Gardarika, Annika regained the new body and grew up. Her name was new, and her fate was beautiful! Many Gods took care of her growth.
Olav loved to be by Soul with her. He patiently waited for the onset of the time when she would gain all the fullness of the Divinity by her efforts on the Great Path and fulfill all, that was planned for her. He was waiting for the moment when He could introduce her, as Soul Who Has Achieved, the Divine House and say: “Hello, My Beloved! You’ve come! You are accepted!”
And many others of Olav’s friends still continued their Path, incarnating into new bodies — to acquire and develop love, wisdom, and power that would allow them to overcome the distance separating man from the world of the Divine. This distance is calculated not by miles, but by the degree of subtlety, beauty, and strength of the transforming soul.
Among those going to the Light — it was joyful for Olav to see His companions, who were comrades in His former distant voyages. Among them were Richard, the helmsman Vagni, his brave wife, and many-many others…
Olav managed to stop many people of vice on their false way, change their sad fates, give them the right understanding and a chance to straighten their destinies.
Many new male and female disciples have been found by Him over the past centuries!
The Divine Traveler could enter any house on the Earth. He was met in different ways… And the fates of those people changed according to whether they rejected or accepted the Gifts of Love and Wisdom that the Divine Guest presented them.
* * *
Early spring. The children Erik and Frida carried a bucket of water from a stream along an icy path.The children were small: the boy was about six years old, and his sister — no more than five. The bucket was heavy. They often slipped, then the icy water splashed out and burned with its cold. Finally the children stopped to rest.
Suddenly a huge white wolf emerged from behind the trees.
“What a big dog!” — exclaimed Frida.
Eric, guessing that it’s a wolf, hugged his sister, shielding her with himself.
Following the wolf, the Traveler in a cloak with a hood came out of the forest.
“Do not be afraid! It’s a friend and will not harm you!” — the Traveler said to the children.
The white wolf ran up and began to lick with his warm tongue children’s frozen hands.
The stranger, too, came closer.
“Will you let Me help you in carrying this bucket?”
“Yes, sir!” — Eric answered.
“Then — show the way!”
… Eric walked in front. Behind him, patting the wolf, was Frida. Next — the Stranger with the bucket. And above them flew a raven.
When they came to the house, the wolf already was lying at the threshold, and the raven perched on the roof.
The boy opened the door:
“Welcome to our house, sir! We always welcome guests!” — he pronounced, apparently, often hearing before from the parents these words. Then — already inside the house — he continued with embarrassment:
“Forgive us for the cold… And there’s almost nothing to treat you… Father has not come back from the trip for a very-very long time. Mother is sick. She is asleep already for three days… We cannot wake her. And the firewood is finished, and brushwood burns very quickly and provides almost no heat.”
… Eric put in cold stove icy thin twigs, but could not ignite it.
The Guest put the bucket on the floor in the indicated place, went to the stove — and a bright strong flame flared up, as if there was an armful of dry firewood.
Meanwhile, Frida put on the table the cups and the rest of the dry barley flat cake on the plate in the middle.
Guest said:
“I’ll try to wake up your mother.”
… He walked over to the couch, on which the body of the children’s mother lay motionless, and sat on the edge.
“Wake up, Solveig!” — He called a woman by name, which none of the children pronounced. — “Come back: you have good children, they need you!”
Solveig took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Then she got up on the bed, looking with joyful surprise at the Stranger:
“Who are You Who dwells in the worlds on the other side of death as freely as Gods? I thought I was dead…”
“Friends usually call Me Olav,” — the Guest answered. — “Let’s go to the table, Solveig: your children are hungry!”
… Olav took his canvas bag and began to take out of it different treats and lay them out on the table: warm and soft bread, butter, cheese, honey, nuts, dried fruits.
All this could not fit in a small bag if one were to try folding it back…
After a meal Frida asked:
“Can I feed your friends and companions, sir?”
… Olav, smiling, allowed.
And the children treated Tryuggvi and Alvis, and they then participated in children’s games.
In the evening, when Erik and Frida were already asleep, Solveig asked:
“How can I thank You for the return to life in this body? You saved more than one life, but three. My children would not survive…”
“Your gratitude will be simple. I will teach you something from the Sacred Divine Knowledge, which is useful to everyone. And you — teach your children for they — in turn — will teach their children and other people how to live in accordance with the Divine Will.
“There is a holy source of love that every person has. This is the spiritual heart. To awaken this source is the task for you. And you can help many people to realize this.
“It is easy to teach the heart of the mother — to love all the creatures of God! Just as a mother loves her children, so God loves His own!
“But God’s children cannot be counted, because all are children to Him!
“And just as a good mother cultivates goodness in children and suppresses bad inclinations, so God brings up souls.
“Your — already developed by you — maternal love will help you to cognize the greater love that can grow up to union with the Love of God!
“What do you need to do for this?
“If by the same love, which you love your children, you will learn to love all kind beings, then love will grow in your spiritual heart. And it will multiply with each passing day!”
… Not one day Olav was staying at Solveig’s house. Because it would be wrong to return the soul into the body without changing much in it, without teaching this soul the main thing…
And only when Solveig’s heart had found the firm support in God — Olav continued His Path.
Its visitors sipped a foamy beer and discussed the latest news.
A Stranger in a cloak with a hood entered quietly, and no one would pay attention to Him, except for His companions: a huge white dog, resembling a wolf, and a raven sitting quietly on His shoulder…
Visitors to the tavern began to laugh and joke:
“Yeah, is that not Odin Himself looking here to drink a beer?”
“No: Odin’s cloak should be blue, and the hat — pointed! And more — Odin is one-eyed! Also the wolves must be two, and the ravens — also two!…”
“If you will drink more — you have a split of both raven and wolf!”
… After these words they forgot about the Strenger, Who found a place in the distance and did not order beer.
The fun of several drunken visitors turned into a quarrel.
They used fists.
The fighters overturned the table, and all the food scattered on the floor.
From the far corner of the inn, an old beggar man stood up. He survived, gathering scraps, sometimes remaining after the visitors. He walked over and bent down to pick up the fallen bread — before the ruffians trampled it with their feet.
But the quarrelers sharply turned their attention to the poor:
“Off you, ragamuffin!”
“Let me eat this bread! You will not eat it any more! And the servants will throw it away, sweeping the floor…”
“We paid for this food, not you!
“But however — eat, pig!”
… And they with a laugh kicked and knocked the old man off his feet — so that he fell facedown to the scattered food on the floor…
This sight caused a roar of laughter in all visitors of the inn, except for the Traveler with a wolf and a raven. Olav watched sadly.
Olav stroked His companions, giving them permission to act.
A huge wolf rushed at those who mocked the poor old man, baring its white teeth. And the raven attacked from above, threatening to peck their eyes.
“Take those creatures away!” — in horror screamed those who started a quarrel.
But Olav was not in a hurry to recall His assistants.
… The old man quickly picked up the bread, got up and walked away. And Tryuggvi and Alvis started to eat, scattered across the floor. And, until their dinner was over, those who beat the old man could not move. Because when they made the slightest movement — the wolf bared his teeth, turning his head in their direction, as if warning: “Just try to move — and you will be the continuation of our dinner!” And the raven confirmed it with menacing cries.
Only when Tryuggvi and Alvis have finished all the food, they returned to Olav.
The innkeeper resented everything that was happening with the great delay:
“Remove those monsters, sir! Here needs order be reestablished!”
“They did not violate the order. They just restored it. The floor is clean, the fighters are punished, the old man took bread. If you tell to pour him a plate of soup, then, I think, the order will be quite complete.”
… Olav put the money for the old man’s soup in front of the innkeeper and continued speaking, addressing everyone there:
“I came from afar and saw here very strange rules, which you call ‘the order’.
“So many spectators oversaw what was happening… You laughed at the poor old man, at the food scattered across the floor…
“It is evident that life in abundance does not benefit the inhabitants of your village!
“Those, who forget about hunger, often do not appreciate the work invested in the nourished and cooked food. They easily throw out food, believing that having money, they will buy again — when they want to eat.
“They now do not think that it’s a crime — before those who suffer from hunger! Some food, thrown to the garbage, could serve as someone’s salvation!
“Think about — what true order is! Otherwise, the fate of this old man can become your destiny too!
“Who among you wants to end life in lonely old age, hungry poverty?
“No one?
“Then why with indifference and laughter do you look at what is happening before your eyes?!
“But you can make life around you — more reasonable and more just!
“Each of you can do it!
“And the choice is yours!”
… And Olav with his companions — the wolf and the raven — left the tavern.
… They say that those people have changed a lot since that time. And they did not laugh anymore at those who were in need. They began to take good care of food. And they were ready to help those who needed help.
Even in that tavern, they now fed free of charge those poor people, who could not afford to pay for food.
But they lay not only on the ground, but also on the Hands of the Physician, invisible to the ordinary sight, Who took up from an unclear place and offered His help.
It was said that a huge crow, croaking, has brought this Physician to a place where there were uncounted dead in battle, and where were suffering many injured which were between life and death.
Olav approached everyone in turn. To someone, He assisted, showing all the possibilities of Divine Healing, to others — in the most ordinary way washed, treated, and bandaged wounds.
And every time, healing the body, He found words that transformed and healed souls.
And after, He talked alternately with the leaders of both troops and asked them questions to which they did not know the answers:
“What lessons do people learn from wars?
“Why do winners learn only pride, not compassion?
“Why only desire for revenge matures in the defeated and humiliated?
“Why do not see their own guilt those, who allow conflicts in interests of rulers to grow into bloody massacres for people?
“Why is the history of mankind measured, mainly, only by bloody wars, the change of rulers and redistribution of borders?
“When will, at last, those, on whom this depends, want to think about it?”
And people got understanding to the extent that it was feasible for everyone.
Olav was able to help a person grieve, and to heal the soul, resurrecting love and hope. He could reconcile enemies, stop the bloody vengeance.
He always looked into the soul of the person — and appealed to that bright and kind which was in everyone… He seemed to awaken the seeds of goodness that are latent in every person, but not all have risen…
Freedom of choice always remained with the one who listened to Olav. The listener could accept or not accept the Truth.
… Long lived so on the Earth Olav.
And then — He left the body, which disappeared in the Fiery Flash in an instant. Now His Work on the Earth was to be continued by Others…
Pages of an almost completed saga are in front of me.
Odin sums up:
“Did Olav manage to do much on the Earth?
“The work of Olav and many others Divine Souls has served to the fact that — after the lapse of centuries — the formerly warlike tribes inhabiting the Scandinavian Peninsula, many of them later fell in love with grazing herds and cultivated the land. And the land — began to bring people rich harvests!
“But God’s children cannot be counted, because all are children to Him!
“And just as a good mother cultivates goodness in children and suppresses bad inclinations, so God brings up souls.
“Your — already developed by you — maternal love will help you to cognize the greater love that can grow up to union with the Love of God!
“What do you need to do for this?
“If by the same love, which you love your children, you will learn to love all kind beings, then love will grow in your spiritual heart. And it will multiply with each passing day!”
… Not one day Olav was staying at Solveig’s house. Because it would be wrong to return the soul into the body without changing much in it, without teaching this soul the main thing…
And only when Solveig’s heart had found the firm support in God — Olav continued His Path.
* * *
In the middle of the rich settlement there was a tavern.Its visitors sipped a foamy beer and discussed the latest news.
A Stranger in a cloak with a hood entered quietly, and no one would pay attention to Him, except for His companions: a huge white dog, resembling a wolf, and a raven sitting quietly on His shoulder…
Visitors to the tavern began to laugh and joke:
“Yeah, is that not Odin Himself looking here to drink a beer?”
“No: Odin’s cloak should be blue, and the hat — pointed! And more — Odin is one-eyed! Also the wolves must be two, and the ravens — also two!…”
“If you will drink more — you have a split of both raven and wolf!”
… After these words they forgot about the Strenger, Who found a place in the distance and did not order beer.
The fun of several drunken visitors turned into a quarrel.
They used fists.
The fighters overturned the table, and all the food scattered on the floor.
From the far corner of the inn, an old beggar man stood up. He survived, gathering scraps, sometimes remaining after the visitors. He walked over and bent down to pick up the fallen bread — before the ruffians trampled it with their feet.
But the quarrelers sharply turned their attention to the poor:
“Off you, ragamuffin!”
“Let me eat this bread! You will not eat it any more! And the servants will throw it away, sweeping the floor…”
“We paid for this food, not you!
“But however — eat, pig!”
… And they with a laugh kicked and knocked the old man off his feet — so that he fell facedown to the scattered food on the floor…
This sight caused a roar of laughter in all visitors of the inn, except for the Traveler with a wolf and a raven. Olav watched sadly.
Olav stroked His companions, giving them permission to act.
A huge wolf rushed at those who mocked the poor old man, baring its white teeth. And the raven attacked from above, threatening to peck their eyes.
“Take those creatures away!” — in horror screamed those who started a quarrel.
But Olav was not in a hurry to recall His assistants.
… The old man quickly picked up the bread, got up and walked away. And Tryuggvi and Alvis started to eat, scattered across the floor. And, until their dinner was over, those who beat the old man could not move. Because when they made the slightest movement — the wolf bared his teeth, turning his head in their direction, as if warning: “Just try to move — and you will be the continuation of our dinner!” And the raven confirmed it with menacing cries.
Only when Tryuggvi and Alvis have finished all the food, they returned to Olav.
The innkeeper resented everything that was happening with the great delay:
“Remove those monsters, sir! Here needs order be reestablished!”
“They did not violate the order. They just restored it. The floor is clean, the fighters are punished, the old man took bread. If you tell to pour him a plate of soup, then, I think, the order will be quite complete.”
… Olav put the money for the old man’s soup in front of the innkeeper and continued speaking, addressing everyone there:
“I came from afar and saw here very strange rules, which you call ‘the order’.
“So many spectators oversaw what was happening… You laughed at the poor old man, at the food scattered across the floor…
“It is evident that life in abundance does not benefit the inhabitants of your village!
“Those, who forget about hunger, often do not appreciate the work invested in the nourished and cooked food. They easily throw out food, believing that having money, they will buy again — when they want to eat.
“They now do not think that it’s a crime — before those who suffer from hunger! Some food, thrown to the garbage, could serve as someone’s salvation!
“Think about — what true order is! Otherwise, the fate of this old man can become your destiny too!
“Who among you wants to end life in lonely old age, hungry poverty?
“No one?
“Then why with indifference and laughter do you look at what is happening before your eyes?!
“But you can make life around you — more reasonable and more just!
“Each of you can do it!
“And the choice is yours!”
… And Olav with his companions — the wolf and the raven — left the tavern.
… They say that those people have changed a lot since that time. And they did not laugh anymore at those who were in need. They began to take good care of food. And they were ready to help those who needed help.
Even in that tavern, they now fed free of charge those poor people, who could not afford to pay for food.
* * *
At the campfires lay the bodies of warriors wounded in battle.But they lay not only on the ground, but also on the Hands of the Physician, invisible to the ordinary sight, Who took up from an unclear place and offered His help.
It was said that a huge crow, croaking, has brought this Physician to a place where there were uncounted dead in battle, and where were suffering many injured which were between life and death.
Olav approached everyone in turn. To someone, He assisted, showing all the possibilities of Divine Healing, to others — in the most ordinary way washed, treated, and bandaged wounds.
And every time, healing the body, He found words that transformed and healed souls.
And after, He talked alternately with the leaders of both troops and asked them questions to which they did not know the answers:
“What lessons do people learn from wars?
“Why do winners learn only pride, not compassion?
“Why only desire for revenge matures in the defeated and humiliated?
“Why do not see their own guilt those, who allow conflicts in interests of rulers to grow into bloody massacres for people?
“Why is the history of mankind measured, mainly, only by bloody wars, the change of rulers and redistribution of borders?
“When will, at last, those, on whom this depends, want to think about it?”
* * *
Many things have been done by Olav! He helped many people! He generously shared the Divine Wisdom!And people got understanding to the extent that it was feasible for everyone.
Olav was able to help a person grieve, and to heal the soul, resurrecting love and hope. He could reconcile enemies, stop the bloody vengeance.
He always looked into the soul of the person — and appealed to that bright and kind which was in everyone… He seemed to awaken the seeds of goodness that are latent in every person, but not all have risen…
Freedom of choice always remained with the one who listened to Olav. The listener could accept or not accept the Truth.
… Long lived so on the Earth Olav.
And then — He left the body, which disappeared in the Fiery Flash in an instant. Now His Work on the Earth was to be continued by Others…
* * *
We sit side by side: I and Divine Odin.Pages of an almost completed saga are in front of me.
Odin sums up:
“Did Olav manage to do much on the Earth?
“The work of Olav and many others Divine Souls has served to the fact that — after the lapse of centuries — the formerly warlike tribes inhabiting the Scandinavian Peninsula, many of them later fell in love with grazing herds and cultivated the land. And the land — began to bring people rich harvests!
“And the one who grows a crop, does not go on a military campaign in order to take away the fruits of labor from others.
“More and more places appear where the gardens blossomed in the spring. And more often people went on the road in order to cognize new lands or peacefully trade.
“Christianity, adopted by the conungs of these lands, was adapted by their subjects more voluntarily than in neighboring countries. And those who believed in Ódin and the Torah — and those who delved into the Teachings of Jesus peacefully lived here for a long time.
“Olav was one of Those Who are always engaged in the Great Work of helping souls in their evolution.
“This is the Work of the Gods, which is not seen in the beginning and which has no end. Because eternally — wise Divine Souls help in growth and direct the development of all succeeding generations of people.
“And from each of these generations — Few enter the Divine Unity. They are the Harvest, collected by the Great Gardener.
“Such continues the Work of Those Who help people — wisely and without violence — to know: why they live on the Earth and how to live…”
“More and more places appear where the gardens blossomed in the spring. And more often people went on the road in order to cognize new lands or peacefully trade.
“Christianity, adopted by the conungs of these lands, was adapted by their subjects more voluntarily than in neighboring countries. And those who believed in Ódin and the Torah — and those who delved into the Teachings of Jesus peacefully lived here for a long time.
“Olav was one of Those Who are always engaged in the Great Work of helping souls in their evolution.
“This is the Work of the Gods, which is not seen in the beginning and which has no end. Because eternally — wise Divine Souls help in growth and direct the development of all succeeding generations of people.
“And from each of these generations — Few enter the Divine Unity. They are the Harvest, collected by the Great Gardener.
“Such continues the Work of Those Who help people — wisely and without violence — to know: why they live on the Earth and how to live…”
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